
The Power Of Praise

Read Acts 16:16-36 Describe Paul’s circumstances in 16:16-24. How do you think he felt physically? Emotionally? Spiritually? Mentally? Under the same circumstances, how would you feel? How would you react? How did Paul react in 16:25? Give phrases that reveal …

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Stones Of Remembrance

After wandering in the wilderness for forty years, the Israelites experienced the power of God to roll back the waters of the Jordan River enabling them to cross over and take possession of the Promised Land. Read Joshua 3 and …

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Embracing God

When pressures mount, instead of withdrawing or exploding or complaining, you and I need to run to our Heavenly Father, throw our arms of faith around Him, and embrace Him more tightly. Why? The Psalmist gives us three reasons: Read …

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Genuine Praise and Worship

Sep 21, 2014

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The Vision Of His Glory

Aug 4, 2014

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