
Joshua’s Last Words – Part 1

Feb 22, 2015

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The Joy of Working Together

What task has God assigned you? Has He assigned you to

establish a home,

strengthen a marriage,

lead a family,

serve a church,

teach in a classroom,

or comfort in a sick room?

Check your attitude toward the assignment. Do you grumble and complain about it? Do you neglect and ignore it? Do you resent and reject it? Or do you enjoy fulfilling it as your service unto the Lord? God wants you and me to enjoy our service to Him, whatever it may be. And He also wants us to discuss each detail with Him as we do the work. One of His pleasures, as well as ours, is the joy of working together as we complete the task. Often, the more difficult the task, the greater the joy because it enables us to see the power of God and just what He can do in and through and for us.

Multiplying Ministry

Aug 21, 2013

The harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest, therefore, to send out
workers… Matthew 9:37-38

The momentum of America’s decline into moral and spiritual bankruptcy has increased to a breath-taking death-spiral. Our nation cannot continue on this path for much longer. It’s not the multi-trillion dollar debt that concerns me the most. It’s the impending judgment of God that we are provoking through our defiance of Him, His Son, His Word, and His principles that alarms me to the core.

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The Pattern for Discipline

Our society is increasingly becoming undisciplined. We work if we want to, show up on time if we can make it, and see a job through to the finish if we feel like it, all the while complaining about the pay or seeking more lucrative benefits. God worked persistently and consistently every day, all day long, until the job of creating everything was finished. God understands what it’s like to begin each day in the morning, go to work, apply yourself to the project at hand, accomplish a portion of the goal day after day until you complete the job satisfactorily. God’s weekly work was timely, orderly, precise, neat, thorough, planned, and goal oriented.

How closely does the way you do your weekly work reflect His?

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