
Wait On The Lord

Oct 15, 2014


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Wait On The Lord

Jul 21, 2014


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A Divine Appointment

Have you ever considered that you have a divine appointment when you get up early for your quiet time of prayer and meditation on His Word? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?

Have you ever thought of going to church as a divine appointment? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?

Have you ever thought of the Bible study you belong to as a divine appointment? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?

What a difference it would make in our attitude of expectancy and our habit of consistency if we truly wrapped our hearts around the knowledge that each is a divine appointment, that Jesus Himself is waiting to meet with us.

Patiently Waiting

When the text says God “remembered,” it simply means the time had come for God to act on His own initiative, which required nothing of Noah except patient waiting.

I wonder if Noah was just going about the chores he had been doing every day for weeks and months, feeding the animals, cleaning the stalls, when he was startled by a shaft of light coming through the open space just below the roofline. Did he drop his broom and stumble over the feed bucket as he yelled for his family while scurrying toward the upper deck and the window he had put into the side of the ark? With trembling hands did he throw back the shutters, gasping as the brilliant sunshine stung his eyes and the icy wind blew across his face? With his eyes watering and his voice choked with emotion, did he embrace his wife while he shouted his praise to the God Who had sent the storm, but Who also sent the sunshine? Noah knew God had remembered him! God was moving to change his circumstances in answer to his silent prayers!

Wait . . .

Joshua had to wait seven days as he obediently marched around Jericho before God rewarded his patience and brought the walls down.

Israel waited for the Messiah to come. Mary waited nine months for Jesus’ birth. Jesus waited for the woman of Samaria to come to the well, Mary and Martha waited for Jesus to come to Bethany, and Jesus Himself waited three days in the tomb for the resurrection. A person who lives in submissive obedience to Christ is a person who is often called to wait.

Are you waiting on God for something? What plans have you made in the meantime? Who else have you involved in those plans? Is there someone else, a mother-in-law or pastor or best friend, who is leading you to join him or her in decisive action? Instead of blindly saying, “I’ll go with you,” take a moment to pray and ask God for His direction. Then wait until He answers you.

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