
Praise God in Adversity

Dec 5, 2016

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Sinners by Nature

Jan 31, 2016

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The Key to Victory

Dec 29, 2015

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A Message To The Free World’s Leaders

November 27, 2015

…Be strong and do not lose courage….  2 Chronicles 15:7¹

The history of Israel includes some riveting similarities to our world today. One brief vignette that caught my attention recently is from 2 Chronicles 14-15. After the glorious, golden years of King Solomon, his son, Rehoboam, succeeded him. While Solomon was wise, Rehoboam was arrogant, foolish, and in short order had led the southern kingdom away from faith in God. A warning through God’s Word came to him plainly, “Thus says the Lord, ‘You have forsaken Me, so I also have forsaken you…’”²  And God did. While He spared Rehoboam’s life, He allowed Jerusalem to be ransacked, and all the amassed wealth of Solomon to be looted by the Egyptians.

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Worthy is the Lamb

Sep 2, 2015

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