
Warning: Battles Follow Blessings

Jul 7, 2014

After 777: An Urgent Call To Prayer

…With this in mind, be alert
and always keep on praying for
all the saints. Pray also for me…
Ephesians 6:18-19

For six days, once a day, it was my privilege to be joined with you as we earnestly humbled ourselves, sought God’s face, prayed and repented of our sin. On the seventh day, we prayed and fasted for seven hours.  What’s striking is that this is the same pattern for victory over enemy strongholds that God gave to Joshua over 3000 years ago.

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When There Are No Answers

What, or who, has . . .

turned on the tap of your tears,

and tossed you in your bed at night,

and preoccupied your waking thoughts,

and blackened your hopes for the future,

and broken your heart,

and wrenched an agonized “Why?” from your trembling lips?

To our heart-wrenched cries of Why? God’s ultimate answer is, “Jesus,” as He is glorified and magnified in our lives through our suffering. Trust Him. When guilt takes the edge off every joy . . .

when there are no answers to your questions . . .

trust Him when you don’t understand.

Trust His heart.


The apostle Peter confirms that the inheritance being laid up for the Father’s children “can never perish, spoil or fade” – it is “kept in heaven for you” (1 Pet. 1:4, NIV). Although our inheritance is safely stored in heaven, there is a condition we have to meet before we can claim it: “He who overcomes will inherit all this.”

What do you have to overcome in order to claim My Father’s House as your own? You have to overcome . . .

your pride that refuses to acknowledge you are a sinner who needs a Savior.

your religiosity that substitutes . . . rituals for repentance, traditions for truth, and orthodoxy for obedience.

your unbelief that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, the sinner’s Savior.

Overcomers place their faith in Jesus alone for salvation . . . and inherit heaven!

Not Somehow, But Triumphantly

Oct 21, 2013

…Thanks be to God, who always leads us
in triumphal procession in Christ…2 Corinthians 2:14

Recently we posted this on facebook:   “Fight the good fight of faith.” 1 Timothy 6:12 — Life is not about losing. Life is about overcoming.

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God Is the Potter

The principle that suffering leads to glory is illustrated in Scripture by a vivid description of clay on the Potter’s wheel – clay that was once cracked, shattered, and broken, clay that was totally useless and ugly. The Potter took the clay and broke it down even further, grinding it into dust then moistening it with water before He put it on His wheel and began to remake it into a vessel pleasing to Himself. The cracks and chips and broken pieces disappeared as the clay became soft and pliable to the Potter’s touch.

But the clay was still soft and weak, the color dull and drab. So the Potter placed the vessel into the fiery kiln, carefully keeping His eye on it as He submitted it to the raging heat. At a time He alone determined was sufficient, the Potter withdrew the pot from the furnace. The blazing heat had radically transformed into a vessel of strength and glorious, multicolored beauty.

You and I are just little clay pots destined for glory!

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