
Thankful for the God Who Sees Me

November 25, 2019

Genesis 16:13  …You are the God who sees me…

Thanksgiving is one of my all-time favorite days on the calendar. This time of year seems to help sharpen my focus on things for which I am truly thankful.  Looking back to last Thanksgiving when I could not walk, stand, pick up anything–when there were days I could not get out of bed or even speak without difficulty–I can hardly believe this year I am walking two miles a day and assuming a ministry schedule that includes traveling and speaking. Praise God!  While He didn’t deliver me from my difficulties, He has brought me through them!

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Thankful The Real Treasure Is Inside

November 19, 2018

Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

It was the summer of 1986 when we were robbed. Our house was broken into and everything of value was taken about six weeks before I spoke at the International Congress for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I was stripped of furniture, cameras, silver, the things my grandmother had left me, and all of my jewelry. When the time came for me to stand in the lectern to address the ten thousand evangelists from all over the globe who were seated in front of me, I was acutely aware that what I had to offer them had nothing to do with items that had been taken from me. If there was to be any blessing, any encouragement, any word from the Lord to this gathering of men and women, it would come from the hours I had spent in prayer and in studying His Word. I knew that my real treasure was on the inside.

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A Willing Sacrifice

Aug 9, 2016


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