
Be Fruitful for Him

Dec 15, 2014

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Don’t Settle for Half-Way

Dec 14, 2014

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The Greatest Sin

Nov 18, 2014

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Life is Just Better…with Jesus

John 10:7-10 In Jesus’ day, the summer sheepfold was located in the highland pasture. It had stones from the pasture itself piled on top of each other until they formed a circular wall. The wall had one gap that served …

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Change We Can Believe In

Read Ephesians 2 I. CHANGE FOR SINNERS 2:1-10 Give at least four or five different phrases that describe sinners from v.1-3. Describe the sinner’s condition from Romans 1:18; John 3:36. According to v.4, who took the initiative to change our …

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