
Get Serious

Jan 3, 2014

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Work Brings Satisfaction

Are you afraid of hard work? Often we tend to quit a job before it is finished because the job is too hard or we lose interest or we receive a better offer somewhere else. The Creator has built into each of us the capacity for tremendous satisfaction in work that is not only finished but well done. If we quit before we are finished, we miss out on the satisfaction that comes with completion.

Sometimes we think of not having to work as a luxury reserved for the lifestyles of the rich and famous. It is actually a deprivation! One reason unemployment is so devastating is because when a person is out of work, that person is outside the Creator’s design for living and therefore denied the satisfaction that comes from working and from completing a job.

So…pray for those who do not have jobs, and make sure you finish yours!

Multiplying Ministry

Aug 21, 2013

The harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest, therefore, to send out
workers… Matthew 9:37-38

The momentum of America’s decline into moral and spiritual bankruptcy has increased to a breath-taking death-spiral. Our nation cannot continue on this path for much longer. It’s not the multi-trillion dollar debt that concerns me the most. It’s the impending judgment of God that we are provoking through our defiance of Him, His Son, His Word, and His principles that alarms me to the core.

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