
Be Strong in the Lord

Jul 8, 2015

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Defeating the Devil

Since 9/11, America’s eyes have been opened to an evil, hate-filled enemy who uses terrorism to achieve the goal of our destruction. Our newspapers, magazines, and TV talk shows have been filled with information concerning this enemy and how we …

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Consider the Consequences

Satan never mentions the consequences of sin. He never mentions the psychological trauma that follows an abortion. He never mentions the dirty feeling of being used after sleeping with your date that haunts your marriage relationship years later. He never mentions the panic and fear that grip you every time you answer the phone after cheating on your tax return. There are serious consequences to sin. Always. Without exception. Adam ate the forbidden fruit his wife had offered, “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked” (Gen. 3:7, NIV).

Satan had told Eve her eyes would be opened and she would be like God, knowing good and evil. In one sense he had been right. Eve’s eyes were opened, but in a grotesque way. She knew good, but also that she was separated from it. She knew evil because now she was saturated in it. She knew good and evil in a way God never intended her to know — through her own experience. And she was deeply ashamed.

Don’t Tolerate Temptation!

Temptation, whether in the form of a serving of birthday cake when you’re on a diet or the bed of your neighbor’s spouse, intensifies through toleration. The toleration leads to a preoccupation of thoughts, and it’s not long before we reach out to touch it. At that point, there is almost no turning back.

What temptation have you tolerated, thought about, touched, and toyed with? “It’s just one more glass of wine.” “It’s just a little harmless flirtation.” “It’s just a magazine at the checkout counter.” “It’s just one date.” Watch out! If you tolerate it, think about it, and toy with it, you are just a step away from actually doing it. So . . . instead of tolerating sin, turn from it NOW!

Praise Defeats the Enemy

One way to drive Satan to distraction, and to overcome him, is through praise of Jesus. Regardless of whether the enemy is a visible foe in front of us like the Scribes and Pharisees or an invisible foe outside of us like the devil himself or an invisible foe inside of us like depression, praise drives the enemy away. In the very prophecy that describes Jesus’ inmost thoughts and feelings as He hung on the cross, tortured, bleeding, and dying, the psalmist declared, “But You are holy, enthroned in the praises . . .” of Your people (Ps. 22:3, NKJV). In other words, He is enthroned-He rules in power, authority, and supremacy-through our praise.

In some supernatural way, praise ushers the authority of God into any given situation. One practical way to maintain your praise is, every time you pray, to begin your prayer with praise. First praise Him for Who He is. Then praise Him for something He has done for you. Start now!

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