
Brown Packages

January 30, 2020 [1]

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord…   Isaiah 6:1

For my birthday one year, my mother sent me a package wrapped in plain brown paper. When I opened it, there was a gaudy, multicolored straw basket inside, stuffed with tissue paper. I actually thought my mother had totally lost her good senses! I tossed out the tissue paper, wondered what in the world I was going to do with the basket, then called to thank her for her “gift.” Mother laughed when I thanked her for the basket then asked what I thought about what was inside it. I told her that nothing was inside except tissue paper and I had thrown that out. She responded urgently, “Oh, no, Anne! Inside that tissue paper is your real birthday gift!”

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God’s Blessing on Our Nation

Jul 3, 2019

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The Key to Revival

Jan 30, 2019

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What’s Missing?

Jan 29, 2019

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Awakened to His Message – Part 2

Jan 13, 2019

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