
Jesus is Alive

Apr 5, 2015

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Acts – 28 Weeks

This is a 28 week study.

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After the Resurrection

Apr 27, 2014

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Jesus Is Alive!

It was early Sunday morning before dawn. An elite, handpicked Roman guard was watching the tomb in which Jesus of Nazareth had been laid. Knowing their very lives depended upon their vigilance, the eyes of the soldiers never dimmed, their bodies never relaxed as they carried out their assignment to keep any and all away from the tomb. No one was to get in. Certainly no one was to get out!

Suddenly, in the darkness, the ground began to rumble and shake as though a mighty rocket was being launched, and a violent earthquake erupted. Then, before the horror-filled gaze of the guards, against the inky blackness of night, an angel clothed in light as dazzling as new snow under a noonday sun descended from heaven, walked over to the tomb, rolled away the stone, and sat down on it! The guards passed out in terrified unconsciousness because they had seen past the angel and the rolled-away stone into the tomb! And the tomb was empty! JESUS OF NAZARETH HAD RISEN FROM THE DEAD! HE’S ALIVE!

Do You Believe This?

Do you believe this? Do you believe that . . .

when there is no hope,

when there is no recourse,

when there is no answer,

when there is no help,

when there is no way,

when there is no remedy,

when there is no solution,

when there is nobody,

there is hope if you have Jesus?! Do you believe that Jesus can make a way when there is no way?

With Jesus, all things are possible!

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