
Lacking Peace

Feb 4, 2015

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Start Trusting God

Dec 10, 2014

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God’s Peace Plan

Dec 1, 2014

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given…Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.  Isaiah 9:6, 7

The following video was forwarded to me, and I thought it was worth sharing with you on this first day of December.  It’s an advertisement, based on a true story, for candy of all things.

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Don’t Be Anxious

Oct 24, 2014

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My Next Assignment

Aug 18, 2014

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…   Psalm 122:6

Just recently, God laid on my heart a burden to call His people to prayer for our nation. In obedience, I offered 7 7 7: An Urgent Call to Prayer for our Nation. 120,000 of you signed up to receive the prayers that God had given me, distributing them to thousands more, so that we prayed with one heart and one voice. I believe our prayers moved Heaven as evidenced by the double rainbow God stretched out over the nation’s capital on July 8th.

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