
Invite Him to the Wedding

Apr 24, 2015

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Vote Your Values

Oct 23, 2014

I felt I had to write and urge you to contend
for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. Jude 3

I desire to reach people of every persuasion…liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican, churched and unchurched…with the message of God’s love extended to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. I avoid speaking out on political issues because God’s love extends to people of every political persuasion. But there are times when a political issue is also a moral and spiritual issue. And I am compelled to take a stand.

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The Marriage Maker

My father once received a handsome Swiss watch from some good friends. After he had worn it for a while, the watch stopped working. When my mother took it to the local jewelry store, the repairman said he was very sorry, but he could not fix it. So Mother took it to another repairman and another. They all said it was beyond mending.

Not too long after that, my mother happened to be going to Switzerland, so she tucked the broken watch into her bag. When she arrived, she arranged for the watch to be sent to the company that had made it, explaining that it had broken and no one could fix it.

Within a short period of time, she received the watch in the mail, running like new. The company that had crafted it had no trouble at all in making it work again.

Marriage is God’s idea. He “crafted” it. If your marriage is broken, all the “repairmen” or counselors you take it to will be unable to fix it. Take it to the Creator Who made it in the first place. He can make it work again.

Invite Jesus Into Your Marriage

Jesus accepted the invitation to a wedding!

Have you invited Jesus to participate in your marriage? Marriage was His idea. He gave the basic ground rules for it. He knows how it works best. And He longs to be invited to come into yours.

Danny and I invited Jesus to come to our wedding from the first moment we were engaged. In fact, inscribed inside each of our wedding bands is a triangle that signified there are three of us in this relationship. God is at the apex, Danny and I at the lower corners. Our commitment was that as we grew closer to God individually, we would also draw closer to each other. If you need a miracle in your marriage, start by inviting Jesus into the relationship. You will be blessed, not only by your increased awareness of His Presence, but also by the knowledge that He is there when unexpected problems and crises arise.

Heirs Together

The Bible clearly teaches there is to be an equality between man and woman, husband and wife. “In the image of God, . . . male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it'” (Gen. 1:27-28, NIV).

Dominion over everything was given to the woman as well as to the man. The woman was not inferior to the man; nor was the man greater than the woman. Men and women, husbands and wives, were and are equal. The New Testament reaffirms the principle of equality when it says men and women are “heirs together of the grace of life.”

God in His wisdom created man and woman equal in His sight, and this equality is to be reflected in the marriage relationship. Husbands and wives are to give each other respect, appreciation, and understanding as equal partners.

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