
A Suitable Helper

God created them male and female. The primary reason for woman’s creation was not to produce children or provide sexual satisfaction or to keep the home but for the mutual happiness of man and woman. Like the Father of the bride, God Himself brought Eve to Adam.

There is not only an equality but a diversity between men and women. Eve was as different from Adam as Adam was different from Eve. But the differences were complementary. Because of the emotional and physical differences, Eve would supply what Adam lacked, and Adam would supply what Eve lacked. Eve would complete Adam as a “helper suitable for him” (Gen. 2:18, NIV). The same Hebrew word used for “helper” in this instance is used again in Psalm 46:1 when it describes God Himself as being “our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Rather than implying that Eve was somehow less because she was a helper, this term describes her godly characteristic of support for Adam.

The Devil’s Already Defeated

As a girl growing up in western North Carolina, I loved to hike in the mountains. But whenever I set out, my mother’s admonition, “Watch out for snakes!” would ring in my ears. Although I can remember killing only one snake myself, I was present at various times when snakes were killed by others. Each time I observed a fascinating phenomenon. After the snake was killed, its body invariably continued to twitch until sundown. Even though its head was crushed, rendering it powerless, the dead snake’s writhing body was enough to keep me at a distance. After sundown it would finally lie still.

You and I need to remember that ever since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Satan has been a defeated foe. His head has been crushed. As you and I seek to climb higher in our faith and service and knowledge of God what we are confronted with is merely the twitching of his defeated body. But sundown is coming! One day even the twitching body of that old Serpent, the Devil, will be destroyed.

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