
God Is Knowable

Mar 7, 2014

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Immerse Yourself In Love

Feb 17, 2014

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His Blood Shed For You

Feb 14, 2014

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God Cares!

When have you felt so totally helpless that your prayer was fathoms deeper than mere words-it was a desperate heart’s cry? Was it when some bad thing happened to someone you love? Was it when you experienced . . .

a physical illness?

a financial collapse?

a severed relationship?

a social rejection?

Did you think because something bad happened, it indicated Jesus doesn’t really know what’s going on? Or that maybe He knows, but He’s not pleased with you? Or that if He does know, He just doesn’t love you or your family enough to do anything about it? Are you interpreting His love by your circumstances instead of interpreting your circumstances by His love? When we are tempted to question whether or not God cares, we are reminded that, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God does care!

“Do You Love Me?”

Jesus looked straight at Peter and asked persistently for the third time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” (John 21:17, NIV). Under the direct, searching gaze of his Lord, Peter must have known he was being asked whether he loved Jesus more than himself. This time did Peter squirm uncomfortably? Did he love Jesus more than the opinions of others, such as the servant girl in the courtyard? More than his own safety and comfort, as he would now be dangerously identified with Someone Who had been executed as an enemy of Rome? More than his own reputation? More than his memories of sin and failure?

Jesus reached into Peter’s heart and put His finger on Peter’s motivation for service. Peter’s motivation to live for Jesus and to serve Jesus was not to be an attempt to stave off guilt, or to earn forgiveness, or to avoid criticism, or to prove something to someone, or to gain approval or recognition. Peter’s sole motivation in service was to be his love for Jesus, pure and simple.

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