The Miracle of Christmas

November 14, 2019

For nothing will be impossible with God  – Luke 1:37

At this time last year I was undergoing chemotherapy. Because I was confined for days to my bed or a chair due to severe side-effects, I found myself watching television Christmas movies. So many of them referenced either what they called the “magic of Christmas”, or the “Christmas miracle”.  But none of them accurately explained the real miracle of Christmas, which is so much more than even reconciliation in a family, or falling in love, or finding your heart’s desire under the Christmas tree.

The real Christmas miracle is this: Anyone and everyone can come into a right relationship with God. Anyone and everyone can be restored to fellowship with God. Anyone and everyone can be born again. We can start over. And best of all, anyone and everyone can enjoy the presence of Jesus living within. Even you. Even me.

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JESUS IN ME: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion

September 17, 2019

To them God has chosen to make known . . . the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27

Over the past two years loneliness has knocked on my door. After forty-nine years of marriage, I had just begun adjusting to the new normal of widowhood when my beloved father moved to Heaven. Six months after his funeral, I was diagnosed with breast cancer that involved surgery, chemotherapy and radiation that meant months at home, sidelined from ministry. Yet only a sovereign God could have arranged my life’s events so that they coincided with the writing of my new book on the Holy Spirit, Jesus In Me. I have truly experienced in a very fresh, personal way His constant companionship.

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A Miracle for Father’s Day

June 14, 2019

Do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.  Mark 13:11

Have you ever had the opportunity to share the Gospel or tell someone about Jesus, but you didn’t take it because you felt you weren’t prepared? One of my reoccurring nightmares is to find myself on a stage with people looking at me, yet I have no prepared message to give.

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