
The Home of Your Dreams

We all have dreams of what home should be like. . . . Do you dream of a home with love and laughter and loyalty, with family and fun and freedom?

Do you dream of a home where you are accepted, encouraged, and challenged, forgiven, understood, and comforted?

There is hope! The home you’ve always wanted, the home you continue to long for with all your heart, is the home God is preparing for you! As John gazed at a vision of the glory of Jesus Christ . . . , he stood in awed wonder of “a new heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:1,NIV). What he saw was confirmed by the words of One Who was seated on the throne: “I am making everything new!” Imagine it: One day, in the dream home of My Father’s House, everything will be brand-new and you will live in the home of your dreams!

Facing the Future with Hope

Exiled to the island of Patmos in the midst of the Aegean Sea, the apostle John knew he would be facing death in the not-too-distant future. This was the very moment in time when God chose to give John a vision of the glory of Jesus Christ! This vision included a tantalizing glimpse into Heaven, where one day God Himself will live forever with His people. This glorious vision has been recorded in the final book of the Bible, Revelation, because John was commanded to write down what he saw. The vision was to be not only for his own personal comfort and encouragement but for all people down through the centuries who, when facing daily challenges, extraordinary circumstances, or even when plunging to certain death, could do so with courage and with hope.

Our Heavenly Home

The first book in the Bible, Genesis, gives us an unforgettable picture of the Lord God. After at least five “days” of intensely creative work, He “planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground — trees that were pleasing to the eye” (Gen. 2:8-9, NIV). In my mind’s eye, I can see Him on His hands and knees, grubbing in the dirt, planting trees and flowers and shrubs and grass, watering and pruning and landscaping. God Himself was the first homemaker, preparing a place for His children, Adam and Eve, that would be pleasing to the eye. We can only imagine the joyful eagerness of the divine Gardener as He presented Adam with his lovingly prepared home that was not just adequate or sufficient to meet his needs, but extravagant in its lush beauty and comfort.

But the preparations made for that first earthly home . . . are nothing compared with the preparations being made for our heavenly home!

Built to Last

My Father’s House is a home built to last, not just for a lifetime, but forever! As John continued to gaze on the spectacular vision God gave him, he described Heaven as a city with foundations: “The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. . . . The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone” (Rev. 21:14, 19). The walls of Heaven are actually built on twelve foundations, each one decorated with a different gem. In addition to the spectacular beauty that is implied, we can be assured that Heaven is eternal and unshakable. It’s permanent!

Our world is a very unstable place. We can never be certain of the future for ourselves or for the next generation. The fear and apprehension of what’s around the corner of our lives can be paralyzing. But when we get to Heaven, we will be certain and sure of absolute, total, infinite stability. Heaven is built to last!

Never Separated Again

I love the sea. Every summer, I spend as much time there as I am able. I love to see the vast expanse of sky and water. I love to hear the waves crashing on the shore. I love to walk along the beach and feel the sand beneath my feet and the breeze blowing gently in my face. But the sea separates families and friends and entire continents from each other! In Heaven, there will be nothing to separate us from each other or from God. Ever!

No hard feelings or hurt feelings,

No misunderstandings or critical spirits,

No divorce or death, . . .

No sickness or weakness,

No dangers or hardships. . . .

Nothing will ever separate us in My Father’s House.

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