
He Will Be Looking For You

On the day when Jesus returns, everyone will be looking at Him.  But have you ever considered where He will be looking?  He will be looking for you!  He has told us, “. . . I will come back and take you to be with me . . . . ”  His eyes will be searching the crowds of upturned faces, looking for you!  While others mourn because His coming brings their judgment, you and I who have been redeemed by His blood will be rejoicing because His coming fulfills all our hopes and dreams!

Praise God for the deity of Jesus Christ!  Praise God for the humanity of Jesus Christ!  And praise God for the eternity of Jesus Christ!

Accepted in Heaven

After the long journey of life, we are going to look up and see heaven. We’re going to hear voices lifted in songs of praise. We’re going to see the glory of God radiating from within, and we’re going to long for home. But we will be forbidden to enter. Heaven is closed to us because we are too dirty in our sin to enter it.

However, because Jesus found us in our hopeless, helpless state and offered us His hand at the Cross, we can be welcomed into heaven. If we accept His offer and put our hand of faith in His, He will walk with us hand in hand, not only through the remainder of our journey, but through the gates of heaven that will be opened wide for us. We will be as welcomed and accepted in heaven as He is, solely because of our relationship and identification with Him. Praise God! Jesus is the One, and the only One, Who makes heaven available to the sinner, not only through the cross, but also through His resurrection.

The Light of Heaven

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world,” and He also said we are the light of the world. (Matt. 5:14) The sole light in Heaven will be the light that comes directly from God through Jesus Christ, and that light will be reflected in the life of each one of His children! The entire city will be saturated with the glorious light of His life, truth, righteousness, goodness, love and peace – through you . . . and me!

Praise God! The Light of the World is the Light of Heaven!

Around the Father’s Table

For years our family celebrated Thanksgiving at my father’s house.  The meal was always abundant and delicious – turkey with dressing and gravy, ham, green beans . . . my mouth waters just thinking about it! But the highlight of Thanksgiving was not the food, or the televised football games, or the fun. The highlight was always the fellowship around the dining room table. As we sipped our coffee and gorged on one last piece of pie, my father presided at the head of the table as each person shared what he or she was most thankful for, which was the highlight of our time together.

One day, in My Father’s House, the table will be set and supper will be ready. One day you and I and all of the Father’s children will be seated around that table. One day our Father will preside as He gathers us to Himself, listening intently and lovingly as we share our love for each other and our love for Him. One day My Father’s House will be filled with His family, and it won’t get any better than that!

Heavenly Treasure

Gold is one of our most precious commodities. We hoard gold, we wear gold, we invest in gold, we work hard for more gold – we love gold! We sacrifice our families, our friends, our reputations, our health – all so that we can increase our supply of earthly treasures. We want to buy more things . . .

so we can dust more things

so we can break more things

so we can get more things

so we can show off more things

– none of which will last!

Jesus commanded His disciples not to lay up treasures on earth where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break in and steal, but to lay up treasures in Heaven. I wonder what treasures we will have in Heaven as evidence of our work and witness on earth – if any? While it is said we can take nothing with us to heaven – we can! We can take somebody else!

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