'God’s Will/Plan'

According to God’s Purpose

Romans 8:28 says, “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” In other words, when you are in the purpose, or will, of God, everything that comes into your life can work for your good. You may immediately question how the pregnancy of your unmarried daughter can work for your good, or how God can work even a divorce for your good, or how the loss of your job can be for your good, or how your terminal illness can be for your good. If, by “good,” Romans 8:28 meant your comfort, convenience, health, wealth, prosperity, pleasure, or happiness, we would all question it! But your ultimate good is conformity to the image of Jesus Christ. And when you are in God’s will – “called according to his purpose” – everything God allows into your life is used by Him to make you like Christ. Everything!

Created Equal

When God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Gen. 2:7, NIV), all human life became sacred because it came directly from God. Whether a person is a murderer on death row or the most beloved person in town, each one is to be treated with respect if for no other reason than human life comes from God.

Are you prejudiced toward someone? A person of a different race or educational background or economic level? Someone from another culture or denomination or religion? Someone with a different language or social status or skin color? There is absolutely no room for prejudice of any kind in a life that follows the Creator’s directions. All men are created equal, not in abilities or opportunities, but in the eyes of God because all men derive their lives from God.

Jesus Finished God’s Work

At the beginning of His public ministry, after having walked all morning and talked with the woman of Samaria for the better part of the afternoon, Jesus’ disciples returned with food, urging Him to eat. He resisted their urging by saying, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” When the confused disciples wondered who could have brought Him something to eat, He explained, “My food . . . is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”

In order to finish God’s work, Jesus had to keep His focus and embrace that purpose with a single heart and mind, lining up all of His priorities accordingly. The result of finishing His Father’s work would be even more deeply satisfying than food to a starving man.

If you and I are able to finish God’s work, it will not be an accident. It will be because we have been focused every minute of every day of every week of every month of every year of our lives on God’s purpose.

A Friend of God

Once, I was invited to address a group of professional women golfers the night before the U.S. Women’s Open. I was struck by the intensity of their focus as they pursued their goal of competing in and winning the golf tournament. Their entire lives, including diet, schedules, activities, friendships, and material resources, revolved around their one purpose – of being the best golfers they could be. I told them I also had a similar sense of purpose that dictated where I went, how I spent my time and money, what I said and did, and who I interacted with. For more than 30 years, I have nailed down what I believe to be God’s purpose for my life, and I have sought to achieve it. Simply stated, it is to increasingly grow in my personal knowledge of God as I follow Him in a life of faith.

I want to know God today better than I knew Him yesterday. I want to know Him better next year than I do this year. I want to know Him until one day, like Abraham, God refers to me as His friend!

Because He Lives

Real meaning to your life is found in the glorious dawn of God’s story, which breaks into full revelation in the Person of Jesus Christ. What an astounding truth! What a life-changing message!

Because He emptied Himself of all but love, you can be filled.

Because His body was broken, your life can be whole.

Because His blood was shed, your sin can be forgiven.

Because He submitted to injustice, you can forgive.

Because He finished His Father’s work, your life has worth.

Because He was forsaken, you will never be alone.

Because He was buried, you can be raised.

Because He lives, you don’t have to be afraid.

Because He was raised, you can be strong.

Because He reached down to you, you don’t have to work your way up to Him.

Because His promises are always true, you can have Hope!

Praise God for just giving us Jesus!

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