'God’s Will'

Helpless Without Him

Have you wondered, in agony, why God is doing what He’s doing? Why He has delayed answering your prayer? Have you reacted to the delay by trying to help Him out and speed things up? Have you turned to . . . a doctor, a lawyer, a counselor, a friend, pop psychology, a neighbor’s sympathetic ear, or a popular TV talk show? Have you resorted to threats or bargaining or manipulation until you’re totally exhausted? Have you come to the absolute end of your rope?

One reason God may be delaying His answer to your prayer and postponing His intervention in your situation is to bring you to the end of your own resources. Sometimes God waits in order to allow us time to exhaust every other avenue of help until we finally realize without any doubt or reservation that we are totally helpless without Him.

Directions for Life

God as our Creator has specific directions for our lives. If we live according to His directions, our lives work – we are blessed, and we experience life the way it was meant to be lived. If we ignore or reject His directions, we do so to our own detriment and experience much less than He intended.

All around us are

broken homes,

broken hearts,

broken hopes.

But God never intended us to be broken. He did not just create you and me, plop us down on Planet Earth, and say, “Happy birthday! Now you can guess your way through life.” Instead, He has given us directions, which form a pattern that will prevent breakage of our lives and will help to mend the brokenness already present if we follow them.

So . . . open the Creator’s manual for life – the Bible – and follow His directions.

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