'God’s Power'

The Sufficiency of God’s Power

If you are questioning the sufficiency of God’s power to resolve your problems and pressures, your suffering and stress, your crisis and change, His answer is the same. The infinite power of the Living Logos of God is adequate for any need you or I will ever have.

We may intellectually grasp the truth that God’s power is adequate, but we can never know that by experience if we stay in our comfort zone. If all you ever attempt is what you know you can do yourself, if all your needs seem to be met through someone or something other than God, if you never have any difficulties that are greater than you can bear – how will you know the awesome greatness and personal availability of His infinite power? It’s when the Red Sea is before you, the mountains are on one side of you, the desert is on the other side, and you feel the Egyptian army closing in from behind that you experience His power to open up an escape route. He has power to do the supernatural, the unthinkable, the impossible.

Nothing’s Too Small for God

God created snowflakes, no two of which are alike. He created a sponge-like pad between the head of a woodpecker and its bill to absorb the shock when the bird strikes a tree. He created nerve cells that connect the human body to the brain like tiny telephone wires, with messages traveling along them up to three hundred miles per hour!

God is active in small ways in the universe, on our planet, in our bodies, and in our lives! What do you think is so small that it’s too small for God to notice?

A small tear?

A small hurt feeling?

A small insult?

A small sin?

A small worry?

Nothing is too small for the Creator’s attention and activity!

Strong in God’s Strength

I was once sitting in an audience when the speaker asked, “What do you think God expects of you?” I mentally ticked off a list of things I thought God expected of me: obedience, faithfulness, holiness, love, service. To my astonishment, the speaker went on to say, “All God ever expects of you is failure!” I wanted to raise my hand and say, “I can do that! I can live up to the expectations of God! I know I can fail!” But then the speaker added, “However, He has given you the Holy Spirit so that you need never fail.” Right! Without Christ I can do nothing, but in Him I can do all things!

The difference between strength and weakness, righteousness and wickedness, success and failure, is Jesus – the Holy Spirit – in me.

Greater than We Think

God is bigger than we think and greater than we think. Nothing is beyond His ability, whether it’s

a problem to solve,

a marriage to reconcile,

a memory to heal,

a guilty conscience to cleanse,

a sin to forgive,

a business to save,

a budget to stretch,

another mouth to feed,

or anything else we could name.

All are within His power to “fix.” He is more than able to sustain your marriage and your ministry, your faith and your finances, your hope and your health.

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