'God’s Power'

God Takes the Initiative

“Who has understood the mind of the Lord, or instructed him as his counselor?” The answer that reverberates through the millenniums is . . . no one . . . no one. God stands in the august solitude of Himself. When He acts, it is because He Himself has taken the initiative and made the decision to do so.

God took the initiative

to create the universe: “And God said . . . ,”

to create man: “Let us make man in our image . . . ,”

to create woman: “I will make a helper. . . .”

And God took the initiative to send His Son to be our Savior.

How unbelievably awesome is the One Who created everything!

Our heads should bow,

our wills should yield,

our hearts should love

the One Who took the initiative and revealed His glory through His eternity, deity, and activity.

God Is Greater than Creation

God is not one of several gods. He is absolutely supreme over everything! God is greater than creation. This means there is nothing in my life-

no circumstance or crisis,

no habit or heartache,

no sickness or grief,

nothing visible or invisible-

nothing that is greater than God!

What are you facing that is greater than you are?

A habit?

A person?

A problem?

Praise God for His deity! He is the Creator Who is in authority over everything, fully able to control that which not only seems but is beyond our abilities to handle.

Energized and Strengthened

The Holy Spirit Who now lives in you is the same Holy Spirit in Genesis 1 Who hovered over the formless, empty, dark blob of earth that dangled in space. As He powerfully energized and pulsated the atmosphere, He prepared the planet to receive God’s Word and be transformed into a place of purpose and beauty that ultimately, in the end, reflected the image of God.

That same Holy Spirit is now powerfully at work in your life, hovering over your heart, preparing you to love God and be fully aware of His love for you. He hovers over your mind, preparing you to understand spiritual things and the truth of His Word. He hovers over your will, preparing you to make decisions that are pleasing to Him. All the power of God – the same power that hung the stars in place and put the planets in their courses and transformed Earth – now resides in you to energize and strengthen you to become the person God created you to be.

A Showcase for God’s Glory

Jesus described the powerful witness of a life that is different when He illustrated it as “the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). The primary value of light is that it is so different from the darkness. When Jesus then informed His disciples that “you will be my witnesses,” (Acts 1:8) it was clear that one primary value of the apostles’ witness would lie in the difference of their lives from those who lived around them.

A witness that is lived can be as powerful as one that is spoken. It’s not what you say but who you are that catches the attention of those around you – which is one reason God allows grievances, crises, sufferings, injustice, and hardship to come into our lives. Because problems offer us the opportunity to give silent, relevant witness to the difference faith in God can make. The problems enable us to become a showcase so that the world can look into our lives and see the glory of God revealed.

God Knows You and Me

God will never expect more from me than the Holy Spirit will do in and through me if I allow Him the freedom.

What a blessed relief to be reminded that God knows me.  In fact, He knows me so well He understands that apart from Him I can do nothing.

I don’t have to prove myself to God.

I don’t have to worry about disappointing God.

I don’t have to earn His respect.

I don’t have to deserve His blessings.

I don’t have to work hard to be accepted.

I don’t have to produce a quota.

I don’t have to be successful.

He created me in the first place. “He knows how [I] am formed, he remembers that [I] am dust.” I am just a little dust person infused with the very breath of God!

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