'God’s Power'

The Greatness of God’s Power

God created:

atoms and angels and ants,

crocodiles and chiggers and clouds,

elephants and eagles and electrons,

orchids and onions and octopuses,

frogs and feathers and sea foam,

diamonds and dust and dinosaurs,

raindrops and sweat drops,

dewdrops and blood drops,

and me! And you!

The greatness of His power to create and design and form and mold and make and build and arrange defies the limits of our imagination.  And since He created everything, there is nothing beyond His power to fix or mend or heal or restore!

Separate from His Creation

God Himself is not in a sunset or in an act of human compassion any more than an artist is in his painting or a musician is in his music. You and I may see reflections of the artist’s or musician’s personality in his work, but the person himself is separate from it. Likewise, you may see the reflection of God’s personality in a sunset or in an act of compassion, but He Himself is not in either one. He is separate from His Creation. What an important truth! This means:

When something is wrong, He can right it.

When something is broken, He can mend it.

When something is lost, He can find it.

When something doesn’t work, He can fix it.

When something is hurt, He can heal it.

My failures, sins, mistakes, and shortcomings – and yours – in no way dilute or deplete or weaken or harm God!

Power to Overcome

Praise God for the glorious dawn of His story! He is separate from and greater than Creation, yet He chose to humble Himself and become part of it when He took on the form of a man. And as Man, the One Who is greater than Creation submitted Himself to it – to the heat of the day, the cold of the night, the storms on the sea. On occasion, His deity was revealed when He calmed the sea or cleansed the leper or gave sight to the blind or raised the dead, but for the most part of thirty-three years, He lived in subjection to the very things He had created. Why? So that you and I might have the power, through faith in Him, to overcome the empty, broken, sinful, bitter, meaningless, lonely, helpless, fearful, weak, religious, and hopeless world of which we are a part.

The Keeper

With His unlimited power, the Living Logos of God not only created all things but even today He still sustains “all things by his powerful word.” Who do you know who says he doesn’t need God? Think about it for a moment!

Our planet is ninety-three million miles away from the sun. If the sun were any closer to earth, we would burn up. If it were any farther away from earth, we would freeze.

Our planet tilts exactly 23 degrees on its axis, giving us four seasons a year. If it tilted at any other angle, we would have massive continents of ice.

And Who keeps all this in perfect order? Who keeps Earth from getting sucked into some gigantic black hole, or planets from spinning out of control, or stars from falling from the sky? The answer is none other than the Living Logos of Almighty God. If He can keep the universe in order, He can keep your life and mine in order, too.

Risk-Taking Obedience

At the wedding in Cana, Jesus issued a command to the servants that seemed to have nothing to do with the shortage of wine: “Fill the jars with water” (John 2:7, NIV). The servants must have stolen furtive looks at each other, but without question, resistance, or argument, “they filled them to the brim” (John 2:7, NIV).

Why did the servants obey? What made them risk their reputations and their jobs and carry out His instructions? Surely it wasn’t just because Mary told them to do whatever He said. It must have been something about Jesus Himself that thrust them out on the limb of risk-taking obedience.

Was it His clear, firm gaze of authority?

Was it the quiet confidence of His demeanor?

Was it the unwavering strength of His tone of voice?

Whatever the reason was, they obeyed and experienced the thrill of seeing the water they poured into the jars, pour out as wine!

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