'God’s Power'

His Plans Are Perfect

“Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female” (Gen. 7:2-3, NIV ). Just how big was Noah’s assignment? We know that there are more than eighteen thousand different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians today. If the number is doubled to include two of every kind, with several thousand extras added to make up the five additional pairs of each “clean” species, then double all of that to include any that have become extinct, the total figure is about seventy-five thousand animals!

According to the dimensions given, when Noah had all the animals assembled on the ark, only 60 percent of the available space would have been occupied. The remaining 40 percent would be available for food storage and living quarters for Noah’s family. It all worked, as impossible as it had seemed!

God knows what He is doing! His plans are perfect! You can obey His instructions with confidence!

Rejoicing that when I can’t, He can!

Meaningful Gift Idea | DAILY LIGHT

Nov 11, 2013

I recently posted 2 Timothy 1:12 with the comment that Our God is able! So many of you responded, I thought it might be worthwhile to share with you other verses that confirm this wonderful and encouraging truth…

I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able. 

Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.

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God’s Power to Change

Do you know someone who is desperate for change? Someone who is:

bound by anger?

isolated by pride?

depressed by worry?

consumed by jealousy?

panicked by fear?

God’s Word has not lost its power since the beginning of time! The same power that transformed Planet Earth from that which was void, dark, without form, and in a fluid condition to that which was teeming with life, clothed in beauty, and reflective of the image of God is available today to change and fill empty lives. There is no life so shattered and devastated that it is beyond God’s power to redeem and transform it. The process of transformation that invariably takes place through the preparation of the Spirit and the daily application of the Word is illustrated by what took place in the beginning of Planet Earth.

God’s power changed the earth in the beginning, and His power is available to change you today!

Fixing What’s Wrong

It can be mind boggling to contemplate the vastness of the universe, from the greatest star to the smallest particle. It is so vast that astronomers are now saying that it stretches beyond what we are capable of penetrating, even with sophisticated telescopes like the Hubble. And every bit of it was created by the Living Word of God, Who, even as He hung the stars in space, counted them and called them each by name!

Not only did He create objects of massive size, but He also created such minute, delicate, intricate things as snowflakes, no two of which are the same.

Jesus Christ is the One by Whom, for Whom, through Whom everything was made. Therefore, He knows what’s wrong in your life and how to fix it. Let Him take charge. Give Him the authority to put it right.

The Potter’s Touch

Jesus makes suffering understandable; as the Potter, He uses suffering as the pressure on the wet “clay” of our lives. Under His gentle, loving touch, our lives are molded into a “shape” that pleases Him. But the shape that is so skillfully wrought is not enough. He not only desires our lives to be useful, but He also wants our character to be radiant. And so He places us in the furnace of affliction until our “colors” are revealed – colors that reflect the beauty of His own character.

Without the preparation of the loving, skillful touch of the Potter’s hand, any usefulness or beauty the clay might have would be destroyed by the pressure and the heat. But Jesus makes suffering understandable to this blob of clay. In the midst of the pressure and the heat, I am confident His hand is on my life, developing my faith until I display His glory, transforming me into a vessel of honor that pleases Him! I don’t trust any other potter with my life.

Would you submit to the touch of the Potter’s hand?

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