'God’s Power'

Change Is Possible

No means of measure can define God’s limitless love . . .

No far-seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoreless supply . . .

No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings . . .

He forgives and He forgets.

He creates and He cleanses.

He restores and He rebuilds.

He heals and He helps.

He reconciles and He redeems.

He comforts and He carries.

He lifts and He loves.

He is the God of the second chance, the fat chance, the slim chance . . .

Just give me Jesus!  He makes change possible!

God Is Fully Present

On Christmas Eve, 1968, Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders, while orbiting the moon in Apollo 8, were so aware of the Presence of God in space that they publicly read the first ten verses of Genesis to the listening world thousands of miles away. When James B. Irwin, an astronaut with Apollo 15, actually walked on the surface of the moon, he said he looked out into the inky blackness, saw our planet looking like a blue marble suspended in space, and was overwhelmed with the conscious awareness that God was present on the surface of the moon! And God was! And God is! He is not bound by space.

Whom are you praying for who is separated from you? A child off at school? A spouse on a business trip? A family member who lives in another city or state or country? What comforting encouragement to know that God is not only fully present with you but also with those from whom you are separated, hearing and answering your prayers of faith for them.

Overshadowed by the Spirit

When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, he gave her the startling announcement that “the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.” When you and I place our faith in Jesus Christ and invite Him to come live within us, the Holy Spirit comes upon us, and the power of God overshadows us, and the life of Jesus is born within us. We do not conceive a physical life, but the spiritual life of Jesus in the Person of the Holy Spirit.

It is the indwelling powerful Person of the Holy Spirit Who sets me free from the habits of sin. But the power I possess to live a life pleasing to God is directly related to how much control of my life I give to the Holy Spirit.

Turn on the Light!

In the beginning there was no dawn to end the night,

no sun to warm the day,

no moonlight reflected in the swirling water,

no horizon,

just a never-ending night!

God didn’t leave our environment in a murky, dusky twilight. “God . . . separated the light from the darkness. God called the light ‘day,’ and the darkness he called ‘night'” (Gen. 1:4,NIV).

While the light described was literal, it has wonderful analogy and personal meaning for you and me, because light in the spiritual sense represents the truth, clarity, spiritual understanding, and discernment we receive from God’s written Word. So . . . read your Bible and turn the Light on!

Shaped by God

The Hebrew word for “formed” is yatsar, which means “to mold.” It is the same word used to describe a potter molding and shaping clay. The description reveals that while God spoke

the worlds into space,

the planets into orbit,

the earth on its axis,

the seas within their boundaries,

the sun, moon, and stars to appear in the sky,

the trees and flowers to cover the earth,

the animals to fill the earth,

God personally shaped the physical characteristics of man with His own hands and breathed into man His own life! Such knowledge should cause us to pause and worship the Creator Who molded you and me from the “dust of the ground.”

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