'God’s Character'

Pleasing God

God is the Creator Whose purpose for you and me is the same as it was when He created our environment in the beginning. He wants us to reflect His image so that we might receive His blessing. “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day” (Gen. 1:31, niv).

In the end, the Creator stood back. He surveyed the transformation of the environment that had followed His loving and careful preparation. Then He looked at the man and woman He had created in His own image, with a capacity to be His close, personal friends, and He was pleased.

As the Creator surveys your life, is He still pleased?

A Promise from God

I have prayed without ceasing for my children throughout the years. One of the promises I believe God gave me for them, and a promise I have claimed again and again in prayer, is Exodus 15:1-2. This passage is the song of Moses as he exults in God’s deliverance of the Hebrew children when the Red Sea was parted and they crossed over on dry ground. As Pharaoh’s army pursued and sought to keep God’s children from getting safely to the Promised Land of His blessing, the sea’s walls collapsed, the enemy was supernaturally destroyed, and God’s people rejoiced: I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.

The promise God seemed to give me from this ancient hymn of joy was that He would supernaturally overthrow anything or anyone seeking to hinder my children from being in His place of blessing for their lives. God has a promise in His Word for your children, too. Ask Him to give it to you so that you can claim it in prayer.

You Are On God’s Mind

This title describes the eternal omniscience of Jesus Christ. The alpha is the first letter and the omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. Through the alphabet all of our words, all of our wisdom, and all of our knowledge are expressed. Jesus is the beginning and end of the alphabet, the summation of all wisdom and knowledge.

What does the omniscience of Christ mean to me personally? It means I have always been on His mind. Think of it: The most important Man in the universe has always been thinking of me! Wonder of wonders! I have never been out of His thoughts! Even as He hung on the cross, He was thinking of me by name! Dying for me by name! And when He was raised from the dead on that first Easter Sunday, He was raised with me on His mind!

Payback in Kindness

Nov 3, 2013

Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other, just as in Christ God
forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32

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You Are On God’s Mind

Noah was totally helpless to change his situation. There was nothing he could do except to stay on the ark and tend to the needs of his family and those of the animals until God in some way brought deliverance. He had to keep his faith in God while simply waiting out the silence that followed the storm.

Although He had been silent, God had not forgotten Noah. In fact, since Noah and his family were the only living persons on the face of the earth, we can be sure they had God’s total, undivided attention every moment.

Do you think God’s silence in your life means He has forgotten you? Oh, no! God says He has engraved your name on the palms of His hands. He says that a mother could forget her nursing baby at mealtime before He could forget you! You are in God’s heart and on His mind every moment. He is fully informed of your circumstances and will bring about change when He knows the time is right.

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