
Confident Faith

My parents were so confident in who God is and what God has said through His Word that it genuinely never crossed my mind, nor to my knowledge the minds of my siblings, to doubt God! When I was a child, I told my mother I wanted to know God personally for myself, and she lovingly gave me the instructions about how to approach Him. So I followed her instructions and went to the designated place at Calvary, to an altar of wood called the cross, and took my sacrificial Lamb. The knife of my sin and guilt was responsible for His death, and His shed blood made atonement for me. When I walked away from that altar, not only had I been reminded of my sinful condition, but I had the deep peace and assurance that my sins were forgiven! I was no longer separated from God but accepted by Him, because my sacrifice was the Lamb of God who is my Creator who became my Savior!

What a blessing to have had parents who were people of confident faith. What a blessing to be a parent with confident faith like that!

Rejoicing that when I can’t, He can!

Meaningful Gift Idea | DAILY LIGHT

Nov 11, 2013

I recently posted 2 Timothy 1:12 with the comment that Our God is able! So many of you responded, I thought it might be worthwhile to share with you other verses that confirm this wonderful and encouraging truth…

I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able. 

Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.

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We Can See God

All through the ages people have longed to actually see God. They have drawn pictures

and written books

and composed music

and constructed temples,

all for the purpose of unveiling the mystery of what He is like. But we are no longer left to our imaginations, wondering in educated ignorance. We can know for sure. Although “no one has ever seen God, . . . God the One and only [Son], who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.”

What a thrilling, firsthand, life-changing, mind-blowing, awe-inspiring testimony! God did not have to reveal Himself to us, but He did. He chose to make Himself visible in a way we could understand – as Man. This visibility is not only compelling and clear, it is glorious!

Faith that Works

Are you discouraged because you have not received “anything from the Lord” as it relates to your prayer life? When Jesus’ disciples were discouraged by their inability to get answers to prayer and so were ineffective in helping others, He encouraged them by pointing out that even faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains. The key to faith that works is the foundation on which it is placed.

Base your faith in prayer on God’s Word. Ask Him to give you a promise that applies specifically to your situation. Then claim it persistently in prayer until God keeps His Word.

Paying the Ultimate Price

They didn’t just persecute Jesus; they crucified Him! How is it that you and I think we will be treated any better?

You may be thinking this doesn’t happen today. Yet it has been estimated by the World Christian Encyclopedia that more than 45 million men and women were put to death for their faith in Jesus Christ during the twentieth century! In recent years the estimate has averaged between 160,000 and 171,000 per year. Imagine! That’s more than 10,000 Christians dying for their faith every month! More than 400 per day!

While you and I are getting up in the morning, trying to decide what to wear and what to eat and where we will spend our vacation, somewhere in the world someone is paying the ultimate price for his or her relationship with Jesus! And I ask myself, would I be willing to do the same?

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