
Acts – 28 Weeks

This is a 28 week study.

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Fourth Message: Will There Be an End to the Chaos and Confusion?

Sep 23, 2014

Anne’s Messages to those Left Behind | Fourth Message: Will There Be an End to the Chaos and Confusion?

We have briefly considered the Mystery of the Trumpet Call, whether or not the world is falling apart, and the wonderful hope that should you be left behind, it’s not too late for you to turn to God and ask Him to save you. God’s judgment on this world will come to an end.  The final outcome will be glorious!

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Listen Carefully

Sep 22, 2014

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Starting a Conversation: A Message to Those Left Behind

Jun 1, 2014

They will see the Son of Man coming
on the clouds of the sky, with power
and great glory. And he will send his
angels with a loud trumpet call, and
they will gather his elect from the
four winds, from one end of the heavens
to the other. Matthew 24:30-31

Before an orchestra strikes the first note of the symphony, the musicians begin to tune their various instruments.  The sounds are very discordant as the strings or horns or trumpets are taken up and down the musical scale to make sure all is ready for the performance.  I can almost hear the Last Trumpet being tuned.  It’s almost time for the performance of the ages as one blast will announce the Beginning of the End.

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Listening with Eyes on God’s Word

Following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, His disciples fanned out all over the known world, telling people they could now be reconciled with God through faith in Jesus Christ. How were the religious faithful to know if this was true? How could they discern the true Shepherd’s voice?

A fascinating glimpse is given to us when the apostle Paul, who had started heated debates and even riots in practically every synagogue and city where he preached the Gospel, slipped into the little town of Berea. As was his custom, he went straight to the synagogue in order to share the wonderful good news that the Messiah had come. This time when he preached, “they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”

We will recognize our Shepherd’s voice when we listen with our eyes on the pages of our Bibles.

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