
Bold in Truth

Jan 1, 2015

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Pursue Jesus in This Generation

Read Matthew 24:42-51 I. BY WATCHING What do you think “watching” means? Write down the dictionary definition. What do you think Jesus means by, Keep watch, in Matthew 24:42? Why is this important, according to Matthew 24:42-44? What are some …

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I Believe …

I believe that there is one, true, living God. I believe that He is the Creator of the heavens and earth, including you and me. I believe that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I believe that …

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God Loves Little Children

Christmas is a celebration of God’s gift of Jesus to you and me. The living Word became flesh! The Creator left His throne in Heaven, and came to earth as the Baby of Bethlehem! What a heavenly crescendo it was …

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Do you use a Day-Timer? A Day-Timer is a calendar arranged by the hours in each day, the days in each week, the weeks in each month, and the months in each year. It can be quickly referenced so that …

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