
Changing Your Destiny

Even in the blackness of hate and evil swirling around the Cross, the love of God broke through like the rays of the sun on a stormy day. That love shone down on the two thieves crucified on each side of Jesus. Their agony and fury boiled over and spewed out in a venom of curses and taunts hurled at Jesus, challenging Him to save Himself and them.

But one of the thieves grew quieter and quieter, until finally he rebuked his partner in crime, “We are punished justly, . . . but this man has done nothing wrong.” And then, in one of the most moving conversion scenes in human history, the thief turned his face toward Jesus and pleaded in humble faith, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus turned his face toward the thief and promised, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” In the twinkling of an eye, that thief changed his eternal destiny; he passed from death to life.

You’re Welcome

How often I have dashed home from church to get things ready for guests I have invited to lunch! I want to get the ice in the glasses, take the roast out of the oven while I pop the rolls in, make the gravy, steam the broccoli, and generally get things organized so that when my guests walk through the door everything is prepared for their enjoyment. I want them to know by the delicious aromas coming from the kitchen, and the elegant setting of the table, and the sideboard laden with dishes brimming with steaming food that they are expected and they are welcome.

In John 14:2, Jesus was telling His disciples that He was going to dash Home to get things ready for them so when they walked through the door they would know they were expected, they were welcome, and His home was theirs to enjoy!

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