
Facing Death Without Fear

For many years I have traveled all over the world in response to invitations to give out God’s Word. There have been times, such as my first visit to India, when I have started out by climbing onto the plane with my stomach churning, my knees knocking, and my heart fibrillating – terrified because I was not sure where I was going, or who would meet me at the journey’s end. But what a difference there has been in my attitude when I have had the opportunity for a second visit to that same place. I have left home with peace in my heart because I knew where I was going and who would meet me at the journey’s end. In the same way, the prospect of death can fill you and me with terror and dread – unless we know where we are going. Knowing as much as we can about our final destination, and Who will meet us at the end of life’s journey, takes the fear out of getting there.

The Walk of Faith

I wonder what Enoch and God talked about as they walked together each day. Perhaps Enoch commented on the beauty of the sunrise that morning and how much he had enjoyed listening to the sound of the birds calling to each other as they awakened before dawn. Or perhaps he told God how grateful he was for the evidence of His faithfulness when he saw the sun come up every morning.

It was never drudgery for Enoch to meet with God. It wasn’t something he felt he had to do; it was something he wanted to do. In the process, he must have grown in an ever more intimate, loving, personal knowledge of Who God is. He gave God his undivided attention, spent more and more time with Him, gained a greater and greater depth of understanding, allowed fewer and fewer interruptions until there were no interruptions at all and his walk of faith became sight!

Enoch’s friends looked for him, but he couldn’t be found, because he had walked right into the very presence of God!

A Greater Miracle

Jesus was glad Lazarus had died without Him?! What does that mean? We know it doesn’t mean He enjoyed knowing that Lazarus had died or that He enjoyed thinking about the family’s grief and despair.

Jesus was teaching His disciples – and you and me – a life lesson. And what a life lesson it is! The lesson is this: There is a greater miracle than physical healing! It’s the miracle of the Resurrection! Be encouraged!

Even if your prayer is not answered

and your loved one is not healed

and your marriage is not reconciled

and your financial problems are not solved

and your child is not found –

there is hope! Jesus was glad because He knew God would be glorified to a far greater extent by the death and resurrection of Lazarus than He would have been by Lazarus’ healing and recovery from sickness.

Would you rejoice with Jesus for the greater miracle that IS coming to you?

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