
God’s Directions For Our Homes

Jun 10, 2014

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One Way Love

Dec 4, 2013

How thankful I am for the family in which God has placed me by His grace. The following is an excerpt from my nephew’s new book that so blessed me, I wanted to share it with you…

When it comes to the raising of children, one-way love is both the easiest thing in the world and the hardest.

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Homecoming Day

When I know that my loved ones are coming home I begin to prepare for them. My son, Jonathan, loves barbecued spareribs on the grill and homemade apple pie. I prepare those things for him, so that when he walks through the door of the house he knows he was expected and welcome, because this is his home!

Considering how I prepare for my children when I know they are coming home, I love to think of the preparations God is making for my homecoming one day. He knows the colors I love, the scenery I enjoy, the things that make me happy. All these personal details will let me know when I walk into My Father’s House that I am expected and welcome because He has prepared it for me! And in the same way, He is preparing a glorious homecoming for you!

Places of Spiritual Benefit

Our homes are to be places of moral, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical benefit. If you think that what you do within the privacy of your own home is your own business, think again! God has made it His business, and you and I will experience serious consequences if we refuse to follow His directions for our homes.

Destruction and brokenness are all around us today. It is a brokenness that is directly related to denying our children the benefit of moral, spiritual, emotional, and social instruction. If we do not instruct our children about God and His “Manufacturer’s directions” for living, they will develop their own standards and values based on what they feel, what they think, what their friends are doing, and what seems to work-and in one generation we will see the chaos and confusion that result from their “guessing” their way through life. God has given us directions telling us how to live a life that works. If we are to prevent brokenness, our homes should be places of moral and spiritual benefit to those living within them.

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