
When You Feel Alone

Oct 27, 2014

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Listen To His Voice

Oct 23, 2014

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Talking And Listening

Oct 21, 2014

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How’s Your Prayer Life?

Sep 30, 2014

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My Mother’s Legacy

Sept 29, 2014

A good person leaves an inheritance
for their children’s children…
Proverbs 13:22

Webster’s Dictionary defines a legacy as “something coming from a predecessor.” It’s what we leave behind that others will remember us by. As I have contemplated my predecessors, and what their legacies have been to me, my mother comes quickly to mind.  Besides her sparkling wit, her commitment to world evangelism, her devotion to my Daddy, and her fierce loyalty to her children, the legacy that stands out above all else is the legacy of God’s Word.  She loved it! She spent hours reading and studying it. At the end of her life, she was still memorizing passages from it. As a result, hers was a life well lived.  Because she didn’t just obey God’s Word, she increasingly grew passionately in love with the One who is revealed in its pages.

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