
Give Me Jesus

Jan 19, 2015

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Divine Appointment

Jan 15, 2015

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Does the Exodus Matter?

Jan 14, 2015

UPDATE: This Thursday January 29th, select theaters nationwide will be holding an encore event of Patterns Of Evidence: The Exodus.  Theater information can be found here.


All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable…Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.  2 Timothy 3:16; Revelation 21:5

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Jesus Your Priority

Dec 16, 2014

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Psalm 119

My paternal grandmother memorized Psalm 119 as a girl, and recited it on her deathbed. Read Psalm 119, underlining every time God’s Word or an interchangeable word (such as “law,” “statutes,” “decrees,” “commands”) is mentioned. How many did you find? …

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