What do you really care about? When we care about our weight, we go on a diet. When we care about our shape, we begin an exercise regime. When we care about national policy, we vote. When we truly care …
Often, I am asked, “Anne, I have a major decision to make. How can I know if it is in God’s will?” In response, I usually begin by explaining that when an airplane comes in to land during the night, …
Read Revelation 22:1-5 with Ezekiel 47:1-9 In the last scene of the vision of the glory of Jesus Christ, an angel directed the apostle John’s attention to a river that saturates our heavenly home in the blessing of God. …
I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure. – Psalm 119:162 Read Romans 5:1-11 I. REJOICE IN HOPE Romans 5:1-2 Describe our spiritual condition before placing our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. Give …
Read Revelation 1:9-17 I. REFOCUS UNDER PRESSURE Revelation 1:9 What type of pressure are you under? Is it emotional? physical? mental? material? social? financial? From Revelation 1:9, what types of pressure do you think John experienced? A. THE PRESSURE OF …