Messages from God’s Word


Jesus Makes God Visible

Feb 3, 2023

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The Real Thing

Feb 2, 2023

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Winter 2023


They have made Thee glad…
Psalm 45:8 KJV

As 2023 begins, the news headlines remind us that we are living at a time of spiritual darkness and oppression. Traditional values of integrity, morality, and common decency have been discarded, while faith in the one, true, living God is derided and even despised. As a nation, when we desperately need stability and unity in the midst of a world that is careening out of control, we are left without a foundation.

As followers of Jesus, we are a remnant. A minority. But the Light in our lives shines even brighter in contrast to our surroundings. The following testimonies are shared to encourage you that God’s word is eternal. It’s true. It is still changing lives. It still satisfies the longing heart as nothing else can do. The testimonies give evidence that God’s word “works.” And surely they make God’s heart glad. I trust they will do the same for you…

I am in a widow’s group and we are going through your book Jesus in Me. It is helping all of us through this journey of loss by learning to depend on God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with the world. (Karen, Jesus in Me)

My precious son went to reside in my Father’s house almost 3 months ago. Your book has comforted me, educated me, and filled me with peace to know that my son is there walking with God. Your scripture-based description of Heaven soothed my heart to know that my son is living in a place so unimaginably beautiful with our Father, family and friends who are already there. This book is helping me to move forward in my grief and feeling of brokenness. (June, Heaven, My Father’s House)

Much to my shame I have come to learn that my heart has been jealous and envious for other things. It took me years to recognize and admit it. Your words are so spot on. I want nothing on this earth and nothing other than to please and honor our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ruth, Fruit in My Life, e-devotion)

I watched Rachel-Ruth’s Bible study and I met Jesus. My name is Sovika and I was raised a Hindu. I prayed to false gods, but Jesus was tugging at my heart. In watching your Bible study, I finally met Jesus and had a powerful encounter with Him in my search for love. He allowed me to see the greatest purpose for a woman is not marriage or having children but in giving glory to Him with one’s life. (Sovika, Rachel-Ruth’s Bible study)

It was such a blessing for me to learn more about this family and how they implemented Biblical truths in their everyday lives. The book challenged me to look at some areas of my life and figure out how I can better ignite faith in the next generation – I believe others will be challenged in the same way. (Jane, Jesus Followers)

I recently received the most unexpected phone call I could imagine. My brother-in-law called and said my 35-year-old niece had suddenly passed away. She was a beautiful woman. A mother of three young children, a daughter, granddaughter, and friend to so many. How? Why? As I drove to be with my sister, I turned on the radio and heard you speaking of our righteous God. This has stuck with me and helped me beyond words. I will never understand but will certainly remember God is righteous and I lean not on my own understanding, but trust in Him. (Sandra, Living in the Light)

Pursuing More of Jesus is blessing my heart and bringing me to tears for His faithfulness during the years I “pursued” my own way. I accepted Jesus at the age of 10 but was a prodigal for a while. I have missed years of enjoying His very presence…He’s been faithful! You have ministered to me. Jesus has spoken through you and your studies. (Cynthia, Pursuing More of Jesus)

Your words regarding prayer and especially God’s unconditional love for us brought tears to my eyes. It spoke to my heart and touched me at the core. Your prayer team is to be commended because their prayers through this broadcast were answered. (Ken, Daily Light for Daily Living)

I am thankful for your bold stand for the Gospel. Your letter convicted me to look at my own life. It caused me to check if I am faithfully living out God’s calling in my life. (Holly, God Loves the World blog)

What is your testimony? What impact has God’s word made in your life, or that of your family and friends? Instead of focusing on the headlines of the day, join me in rejoicing with Heaven in the Good News that God’s word goes forth from His mouth; it does not return to Him void, but will accomplish what He pleases, and it will prosper in the thing for which He sends it. (Isaiah 55:11) As we begin the New Year, make sure the foundation of your life is strong and healthy. Recommit yourself to read, study, apply, and obey God’s word. Then share it with others as you fight the darkness by turning on the Light.

For His Glory,

Anne Graham Lotz

Bible Study:  Overcoming the Darkness

Living in an increasing spiritually dark world, write out in your own words the encouragement you receive from the following verses regarding…

God’s Word

Psalm 119:50; 89-90;105; 130; 165

Matthew 7:24-25

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

The Western Triangle Fellowship of Christian Athletes held their first ever fundraising banquet just before Thanksgiving. At the invitation of my nephew by marriage, Jake McDowell (pictured above right of the leadership team), I was privileged to share to a packed, standing-room only crowd the Hope Jesus gives in a troubled world. 

Betty Lineberger and I became forever friends as our husbands worked together for over forty years in their dental practice. She babysat my son, Jonathan, on countless occasions, teaching him to play golf. As you can see, he adores her. Now in her mid-nineties, she organized and hosted a Christmas gathering at her senior-care facility and invited me to speak. I shared my testimony, telling them God’s antidote for loneliness is the divine companionship of the Holy Spirit I know.

My annual seminar at The Cove is always a highlight for me. The weekend was greatly enriched by the ministry of the Grammy Award-winning worship leader and song writer, Matt Redman. He is well known for two of his praise songs, 10,000 Reasons and Blessed Be the Name. He is a humble, authentic Jesus follower, and was a source of rich blessing as he led us into God’s presence.

You Are Invited…Into the Word

Are you tired of reading about what God is saying to everyone else and wondering what it might be like to hear God speaking to you…personally? Are you skeptical how the ancient texts of the Old and New Testaments could possibly apply to the issues relevant to your life in the 21st century? Are you afraid of digging deeper into Bible study because you think you won’t understand it? Then, these 52 weekly devotional Bible studies from Anne are for you.

Into the Word is a spiritual study guide that leads you straight to the heart of God’s word. In a refreshing departure from other Bible studies, Anne doesn’t explain what the passages of Scripture mean to her or offer support on what she feels God is trying to say through it. Rather, she makes a modern day reflection that is a relevant springboard into the various passages, and then asks dozens of questions, prompting you to personally dig into Scripture and discover God’s specific message for yourself!

God’s word is personal, powerful, and relevant. This study emphasizes application with the aim to help you love Him more. You are invited…Into the Word.

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God is in Control — All is Well

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