Messages from God’s Word



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Spring 2023

Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice
and be glad and give Him glory! — Revelation 19:6-7

The church in Liberia, Africa, was cut off from the rest of the world during that country’s bloody civil war. The pastor of a church in the capital city of Monrovia, writing his Christmas letter by candlelight to the leaders of his denomination, expressed the hope of his heart: “My candle is soon to go out, but the sun is rising. And who needs a candle when you have the Son?”

What has caused you to feel that the candle of hope in your life is soon to go out? Soaring inflation that is straining your budget to the breaking point? Bloody civil war in your city? Discord in your marriage? Turmoil in your business? Division in your church? Disease and death seem to be all around us. Is the source of your hopelessness nothing you can really pinpoint, just a general feeling of depression, disillusionment, discouragement, distress, or defeat?

The Old Testament describes how, for approximately fourteen years after David was anointed by God as king over His people, he did not sit on the throne. His enemy, Saul, was in power, and during that time he desperately did all he could to destroy David and those who were loyal to him.

Four hundred men from all walks of life became terrified of Saul. To them, he seemed invincible in his power and immovable from his position of authority. Faced with Saul’s seemingly permanent rule over them, the four hundred men became discontented, distressed, and discouraged in their daily life. Their candle of hope went out.

Then they heard about David. They heard that he was God’s anointed king. They heard that one day he would rule from the throne in Jerusalem. They heard of his victory over Goliath and the Philistine army, and of his repeated skirmishes with Saul and other enemies. They heard he was a courageous, compassionate leader who was undefeated in battle. So these four hundred men forsook everything and put all their hope in David. “All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader.”1

David, as a king in exile, became a rallying point for God’s people. His leadership in their lives, even before he ruled from the throne in Jerusalem, radically changed their perspective of the present as well as of the future. David gave them hope!

The four hundred men who lived with him, fought for him and placed all their hope in him became David’s mighty men. And when he was crowned king of Israel, they reigned with him.

In one sense, the Lord Jesus Christ is God’s anointed King in exile. The enemies—Satan, self, and sin—reign supreme on His earthly throne of authority. Often these “kings”, like King Saul, seem to be invincible in their power and immovable in their position, causing our candle of hope to flicker and falter.

But we have heard of the King! We have heard of God’s anointed One! We have heard of His courageous and compassionate leadership! We have heard of His amazing exploits and His victories in battle! When our candle flickers, our hope in Him ignites the fire of our hearts in devoted faithfulness to Him. Perhaps our candle of hope has almost gone out, “but the sun is rising. And who needs a candle when you have the Son”?

The vision of His glory is the King’s rallying cry to His people, challenging us to place all our hope in Him. Make Him your priority! Give Him your loyalty! Fan the flame of your love for Him! Live for Him! Serve Him! Be faithful to the King in exile! One day, you will reign with Him!

For His Glory,

Anne Graham Lotz

Adapted from The Vision of His Glory, 1996, pages 195-196.

  1.   1 Samuel 22:2

Bible Study:  The End!

As our world melts down into chaos, corruption and confusion with disasters, dangers, and disease all around us, we need to know where we are headed.

Read Revelation 1:1-3

REVEALED BY GOD  Revelation 1:1

*Who is revealed by God? v.1; John 1:1-5,14; Hebrews 1:1-3; Revelation 22:13

*What is revealed by God?

*What detail does Jesus reveal concerning the End? Matthew 24:14

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

The National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance was held at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, on February 1st. Approximately 450 people attended, including two senators and about forty representatives. Four speakers were each given 7 minutes to give assigned challenges regarding personal, church, and national repentance. I was the first, challenging those present to look up, ask God for a fresh vision of Jesus, then to have the courage to see ourselves as He does. Each message was followed by those who led in prayer for the different segments. I believe Heaven was moved! One week later, revival broke out at Asbury University, and is even now rippling across America. Praise God! To watch the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance, please click here.


On March 1st I was given the privilege of sharing a message at the Wednesday night service at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, CA. I had double ear infections and a cough that wouldn’t quit, but my condition was undetectable while on the platform. God’s grace and strength were absolutely sufficient in my weakness. Approximately 8 to 10 people raised their hands in response to the invitation, committing their lives to Jesus. I left praising God for His great faithfulness!


Rachel-Ruth and I did a sit-down interview with 100 Huntley Street, the longest running daily Canadian talk show. The producer graciously allowed us to take the interview by Zoom to spare us the trip to Toronto. Mark Masri was a warm and encouraging host as he led the discussion on Jesus Followers. It aired February 6th, then was followed all month by ten separate interviews Rachel-Ruth did on her own. The producer described it as “rich and deep and filled with hope.” Once again, God was faithful to us!


The coats on the backs of the chairs reveal San Diego was experiencing unprecedented extended cold, rainy weather. On March 3rd, my daughter, Rachel-Ruth, and I led a retreat for approximately 400 women of Harvest Fellowship, the church pastored by Greg Laurie. His beautiful wife, Cathe, hosted and the audience was as receptive and responsive as any I have spoken to recently. Still struggling with my double ear infections and persistent cough, once again God demonstrated His faithfulness to see me through, not just somehow, but triumphantly!


The first of the twenty books I have written was The Vision of His Glory: Finding Hope through the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It won a Gold Medallion Award from the ECPA for excellence. Several months ago the publisher asked if I would record an audio book, which I had not done before, and was delighted to do. As I recorded, I was struck by how timeless and thrilling the content is. Revelation tells us what our world is coming to, and it’s glorious!

The Vision of His Glory

If you have never read the book of Revelation, or sometime in the past, you tried to read it but lost your way or grew weary, this book will guide you to a fresh understanding of the End. This edition of The Vision of His Glory contains an in-depth devotional guide to help you explore the book of Revelation in a personal and practical way, either on your own or in a group.

With skilled teaching, an inspiring sense of wonder, practical insight and heart-touching parables, Anne brings clarity to the glorious pageantry and imagery of the book of Revelation. Sharing her passion for God’s Word, she will lead you step by step through John’s eyewitness account of God’s plan for our future. The Vision of His Glory brings you to an intimate encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, our one Source of true, life-changing hope.

Online Bible Study

FaithGateway will be hosting the new Jesus Followers Online Bible Study this coming June.

To learn more please click here.




New Book Coming August 2023



Please click here to learn more.




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