Messages from God’s Word


The Door to God

Aug 16, 2023

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A Worshiper God Wants

Aug 15, 2023

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Longing to See Jesus

August 14, 2023

Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory… 1 Peter 1:8

As I journey through life on my way to the Father’s house, the Holy Spirit, who is the Holy Servant, is teaching me about the Father’s Son.1 He has told me . . .

. . . about His miraculous conception and birth.2
. . . about His life on earth.3
. . . about His sacrifice on the cross when the Fa­ther provided His own Son as the Lamb.4
. . . about His resurrection.5
. . . about His ascension into Heaven.6

I have learned that He is the Father’s sole heir7 and that, as His bride, I will share in His wealth and power and glory.8 The Holy Spirit has shown me a vast variety of gifts from which He’s carefully selected spe­cific ones to give me in the name of the Son.9 I have learned that the Son is seated at the Father’s right hand, thinking of me and praying for me right now.10  

And I have been told that He is looking for me!

That one day I will look up and see Him coming to receive me to Himself so that I can live with Him in His heav­enly Home forever.11 It’s no wonder that even though I have yet to see Him visibly, I already love Him! I be­lieve in Him. And I’m filled with inexpressible and glo­rious joy at the very thought of Him.12

As my journey draws to an end—whether because I’m growing older or because the time for His return is near—my expectation of seeing Jesus is intensifying. I long to see the expression on His face when He sees me . . . and my children and grandchildren. I long to hear the sound of His voice speaking my name. And I long to feel His touch. My anticipation of being physi­cally in His presence is at times almost a tangible ache.

Do you long for Him too?

Are you ready to meet Him face to face?

Would you join me as we kickoff our journey reading PREPARING TO MEET JESUS at the end of this month?

For more about the KICKOFF click here –>


  1. John 14:26.
  2. Luke 1:26–38; 2:6–7.
  3. Luke 7:22.
  4. John 19:17–30.
  5. Matthew 28:1–7.
  6. Acts 1:9–11.
  7. Hebrews 1:2.
  8. 2 Thessalonians 2:14.
  9. 1 Corinthians 12:7–11; Hebrews 2:3–4.
  10.  Hebrews 1:3; 7:25.
  11. John 14:3
  12. 1 Peter 1:8

**Adapted from PREPARING TO MEET JESUS, 2023, pages 23-24

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