Messages from God’s Word


Leave Everything Behind – Part 3

Sep 10, 2023

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Do You Love Me?

Sep 8, 2023

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The Face of God

Sep 7, 2023

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But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7,12


Read Day Three – Beautiful…On the Inside | PREPARING TO MEET JESUS

Watch Anne and Rachel-Ruth share more about this third characteristic:


Like Samuel, maybe you and I need to refocus on inner beauty—the beauty of a Christlike character, which draws people to us and ultimately to Jesus. When we stand before God, we won’t be digging for our new lipstick or fixing our hair or polishing our Jordans or flexing our biceps to impress God. Our character will be what is on full display. Make it a priority to be beautiful on the inside.

This week’s Challenge :

Pause now and consider: How much time do you spend on your outward appearance compared with the time you spend in daily prayer and Bible reading? Do you need to make an adjustment? Today, if it’s your goal to be truly beautiful in God’s eyes, make it a priority to develop your character by spending time with Him, then live out your faith so that others can see Him reflected in you.

Let’s pray…

Fairest Lord Jesus, How could I ever desire anything other than to be a reflection of You? So polish me using whatever means You choose . . . stress or suffering  . . . problems or persecution  . . . obstacles or opportunities  . . . hard work or hard times. I’m Yours to mold into a person who is beautiful in Your eyes.

For the sake of the Bridegroom,
And in His name—
Jesus, Amen.


After reading Day Three | Beautiful…On the Inside, join our discussion in the comments:

  1. What challenged or encouraged you? What stood out to you?
  2. How much time do you spend in daily prayer and Bible reading?
  3. Do you need to make an adjustment?


[Galatians 5:22 – 23; I Samuel 16:7, 12; Acts 7:55 – 60; Revelation 1:9 – 18]

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God Made Visible

Sep 6, 2023

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