Messages from God’s Word


The Power of the Word

Nov 2, 2023

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Fall 2023

Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your
father’s house. The king is enthralled by your beauty. — Psalm 45:10-11

Take a moment to close your eyes. Can you visualize the clouds of glory? Can you hear the universe reverberating with the praise of millions of angels singing “Worthy is the Lamb”? As you are drawn into the presence of the One who is clothed in splendor and light… who stands in the center of the throne…who is worshipped by everything that has breath in the entire universe…the One who is the beloved only Son of the Father and who inherits all things…the One who is the most powerful, most important, most successful, wealthiest man in the universe…do you see His eyes searching the throngs of adoring angels until they rest on you? What does He see? What will He see?

Praise God! That moment has not yet come. There is still time to prepare. Still time to move your faith from salvation to transformation. Don’t settle for just squeaking through the door of your heavenly Home. Instead, commit to living your life from this moment forward so that five minutes before you see Him you have no regrets because you have made yourself ready, because you are a bride who confirms the Father’s wisdom in choosing you, because you are worthy of His Son, the Bridegroom.

Pray with me…

Lover of my soul,
While my heart aches with longing to see You, the thought of the moment when I do see You puts this present moment in perspective. I am so humbly grateful that You have not come for me yet. There is still time to prepare. Please bring to my mind anything that is not pleasing to You. As I confess it, cleanse me of all my sin and imperfections. Clothe me in Your own spotless garments of righteousness. Use me to help others prepare for that heart-stopping, irreversible moment. With all my heart, on that day, I want to be beautiful in Your eyes. For the sake of You, my Bridegroom, And in Your name—Jesus, Amen.

For His Glory,

Anne Graham Lotz

Adapted from Preparing to Meet Jesus, 2023, pages 177-178.

Our community responds to Preparing to Meet Jesus:

  • I would put this book as one of my favorites as I begin again on Day One and look deeper into my personal readiness and preparations to meet my King! – A.C.
  • I realize now I was spell-bound by the Holy Spirit, reading and digesting every word. I literally could not put this book down! I understand now why. Most books I read for information; however, this book was read with my heart. – D. M.
  • This devotional focuses your heart and mind on what’s most important. There is a prayer and challenge at the end of each devotion that takes you deeper into meditating on what you just read. I appreciate the writing style of Anne and Rachel-Ruth because it’s beyond just reading words, it seems more that I am sitting with them listening to the wisdom they are sharing versus “reading” the words. Excellent devotional that the Holy Spirit uses to open our hearts to meet Jesus. – G.
  • I was captured from the start with the title & subtitle of this book. My salvation is assured, I’m being transformed by God, and I surely want to be prepared to meet Jesus. The correlation between Abraham searching for the bride for his son, Isaac to God searching for the Bride for His Son, Jesus, is an incredible revelation to me. – B.C.
  • Preparing to Meet Jesus! Wow! How that thought brings tingles down my spine. Yet, when I think about meeting Him face to face, will I be ready? Will He find me as a faithful servant? This twenty-one day devotional has helped me think on and ponder on meeting Him and being prepared for it. Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter Rachel-Ruth have written a beautiful and thought-provoking devotional. Each day has practical, easy to read applications and scripture to go along with it. All the while, not taking long to read. So, even the busiest person can read and digest these principles that are Biblical. I pray many will get this book and be ready and prepared to meet Jesus. – D.M.

Bible Study:  Raising Hallelujah

Read Revelation 19:1-9

  • How many times does the universe raise a hallelujah in Revelation 19:1-9? Give verses.
  • Who is the focus of the thunderous, universal praise? Give verses.
  • What are some of the stated reasons for raising these hallelujahs? Put them in your own words, with the verses.

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

Left: Our late summer and fall have been filled with media promotion for Preparing to Meet Jesus. The effort has been very fruitful as this small devotional book has been at the top of two major best seller lists, Amazon and Publishers Weekly. One significant opportunity was to appear on The 700 Club, which was bittersweet as the founder, Pat Robertson, has moved to Heaven.
Right: This is the behind the scenes look from a producer’s viewpoint as Rachel-Ruth and I were interviewed on The 700 Club.

Rachel-Ruth and I traveled to Dallas to be on Life Today with James and Betty Robison, which is always a blessing. Susie Larson, who has interviewed me multiple times on her radio program but whom I had never met in person, was also present with her husband. We were richly blessed as she shared her testimony. And James was so taken with Rachel-Ruth that he has already run the televised interview twice!

Kathy Ireland is a former supermodel who is now a very successful entrepreneur who founded her own licensing company, kiWW. She is also one of Rachel-Ruth’s beloved prayer partners. She was so enthralled with Preparing to Meet Jesus that she offered to record a brief video promo, which we were excited to post.

This summer and fall were not completely taken up with book promotion. One privilege I had was to speak three times to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Southeast Staff Summit. It was held about 200 yards from where I had met Danny Lotz fifty-eight years ago! After the first message, one of the attendees took this picture of a rainbow coming down over where our meeting had just taken place, giving all of us a visual of God’s blessing and favor on what we were about.

This Christmas…Give Jesus to Others

Two thousand years ago, an angel appeared to the shepherds and announced: I bring you good news of great joy…a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. The angel was joined by a host of other angels, proclaiming: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace… The shepherds then hurried off to find the baby lying in a manger. The Bible says, When they had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child. This Christmas, let’s spread the word to the family and friends we love! In these troubled times, join with the angels in sharing the good news that Jesus has come to offer peace. (Luke 2:10,11, 14, 17)

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