On July 8th, the day after our 777: An Urgent Call to Prayer for our nation, this double rainbow appeared over the capitol in Washington, DC. It seemed to be God’s visible response to our prayers, assuring us He had heard our cries and Heaven was moved.
“There the angel of the LORD appeared to [Moses]
in flames of fire from within a bush.”
– Exodus 3:2
Moses had been born and raised in Egypt where he lived for forty years in Pharaoh’s palace before being exiled to the backside of the desert. There he tended his father-in-law’s flocks for 40 years. At the end of that time, God had a very critical message for him. But before Moses could hear the message, God had to get his attention.
Anne’s premium channel on iDisciple gives subscribers access to fresh Bible studies, inspirational blogs, and compelling radio and video messages not available anywhere else. All are designed to challenge and encourage subscribers to draw closer to the heart of God and grow stronger in faith.
Before an orchestra strikes the first note of the symphony, the musicians begin to tune their various instruments. The sounds are very discordant as the strings or horns or trumpets are taken up and down the musical scale to make sure all is ready for the performance. This AnGeL can almost hear the Last Trumpet being tuned. It’s almost time for the performance of the ages as one blast will announce the Beginning of the End.
Angels praise God without ceasing. But sometimes this AnGeL finds it requires intentional focused effort to maintain uninterrupted praise. Especially when life unravels and I’m hit with multiple problems at the same time. Let me share just a few of the ones that occurred within the two months leading up to Christmas…
My family in the living room of my father’s house. From left to right behind Daddy, in birth order: Gigi, me, Ruth (Bunny), Franklin, and Ned. The inscription seen in the background on the fireplace mantle that at one time was a diving board, is A Mighty Fortress Is Our God in German.
Two thousand years ago, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and revealed to him that the young woman he was betrothed to, Mary, was pregnant. As shocking as that news was to Joseph, it was even more astonishing to be told that Mary was still a virgin because the baby did not have a human father. He had been conceived by the Holy Spirit. The angel further instructed Joseph to give Him the name Jesus, because He would save His …