
Latest from Anne


Hurricane Ian: When Storms Strike

October 7, 2022

I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming… Ezekiel 1:4

Like millions of people, I have read the news and watched the pictures of the devastation left in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. I have wept as my heart has been broken for the loss of life and property. Living in eastern North Carolina, I have endured the wrath of hurricanes and know that it takes months and even years to recover, if that’s even possible for some. But such a storm can also put things in perspective. The prophet Ezekiel testified that when a terrifying storm came into his life, it brought a fresh vision of the glory of the Lord.

The pastor of Sanibel Community Church, on Sanibel Island, Florida, who wrote the following letter seems to have caught the vision…

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Lifting the Banner of His Name

August 29, 2022

In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple… Isaiah 6:1

On the hot, humid afternoon of August 20th, several hundred people gathered for Pray North Carolina, which was held on the steps of our state capitol in Raleigh. The atmosphere was chaotic as a Caribbean festival, led by hundreds of scantily clad women in brightly colored feathers, marched through the city streets to the amplified drumbeat of their “music.” The pulsating sound that could be felt as well as heard was like that of war drums, reminding those who had come to pray that we were indeed engaged in an invisible spiritual battle for our city, state, and nation.

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God Loves the World

July 25, 2022

For God so loved the world… John 3:16

Out of respect for those of you who have taken the time to comment about a statement I made eleven years ago regarding the World Economic Forum, I thought it would be beneficial to restate God’s call on my life. In 1988 He made it clear that I was to be His messenger, going wherever He sent me and giving out His Word to whomever He put before me.[1] Therefore, when I received the invitation in 2005 from Professor Klaus Schwab to attend the World Economic Forum as a world religious leader, I did what I do with all the invitations that come my way: I prayed.

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Turn Around

June 28, 2022

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live…  Deuteronomy 30:19

Recently I drove my youngest granddaughter to the DMV where she was to take a test for a driver’s license permit. Since the DMV was located in a small town that was unfamiliar to me, I put the address in my GPS. About three quarters of the way there, I took a wrong turn. As soon as I did, the voice from my GPS told me to make a U-turn as soon as possible, which I did. I was able to get back on the right road and arrive at the right place at the right time. All because I was willing to turn around when I took a wrong turn.

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Turn to Jesus – Pentecost Sunday Prayer

Pentecost Sunday June 5, 2022

“Could you not keep watch with Me for one hour?” (Jesus) asked…”Watch and pray so that you will not fall…”  Matthew 26:40-41

It feels as though our nation is spiraling out of control. While a heavy burden in my spirit has prompted me to re-issue this prayer call, the senseless killings all across our nation, highlighted by the tragedy in Uvalde, TX, seem to be visible evidence that we are in even more serious trouble then we were two years ago when I first asked you to pray with me.

The following prayer is one I will be using on Pentecost Sunday, on my knees, for one hour. I have revised and refreshed it for this year.

Thank you for joining me once again as together we pray…

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