
Latest from Anne


Not Somehow, But Triumphantly

Oct 21, 2013

…Thanks be to God, who always leads us
in triumphal procession in Christ…2 Corinthians 2:14

Recently we posted this on facebook:   “Fight the good fight of faith.” 1 Timothy 6:12 — Life is not about losing. Life is about overcoming.

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Spiritual Blind Spots

Sep 3, 2013

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust
in your brother’s eye and pay no attention
to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3

This past week my two brothers, two sisters, and I had lunch with our father!  It was the first time we had all been together at the same time with him since Mother’s funeral six years ago.  All of us treasured the rare moments of fellowship and conversation, not knowing when we would have the opportunity again.

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Multiplying Ministry

Aug 21, 2013

The harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest, therefore, to send out
workers… Matthew 9:37-38

The momentum of America’s decline into moral and spiritual bankruptcy has increased to a breath-taking death-spiral. Our nation cannot continue on this path for much longer. It’s not the multi-trillion dollar debt that concerns me the most. It’s the impending judgment of God that we are provoking through our defiance of Him, His Son, His Word, and His principles that alarms me to the core.

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My Father Knows

June 24, 2013

O Lord, You have searched me
and You know me. Psalm 139:1

My father is hard of hearing, so I’m never sure I’m actually communicating with him when I call him on the telephone. Because my life is now somewhat restricted by the need to stay in close proximity to my husband, I have not been able to get away and see my father as frequently as I have tried to since Mother went to Heaven. It’s in those sweet face-to-face encounters that I get a sense of how much he understands of what I say. To overcome this limitation, I recently wrote a letter to him, explaining my situation, but I’m still not sure if he really knows…

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Apr 23, 2013

Watch Anne from Capernaum overlooking the Sea of Galilee as she shares about the importance of our prayer life as we strive to live as disciples of Christ.

Capernaum from AnGeL Ministries on Vimeo.

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