
Latest from Anne


The Gospel I Believe

Sep 9, 2014

And this Gospel of the kingdom
will be preached in the whole
world as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come.  Matthew 24:14

What do you believe?  This past week, while waiting in carline to pick up my granddaughters at school, I heard a song on the radio that was described as the number one Christian song in the world.  It was sung by the Newsboys, entitled We Believe.

The same week I heard the Newsboys’ hit song, I read an Op-Ed that appeared in the Jerusalem Post criticizing my 911 video invitation to pray for Jerusalem because in it I implied that Jews need to be saved. Do they?  Or are they exempt from the Gospel?

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9 1 1 Initial Confirmation?

Sep 2, 2014

As soon as you began to pray,
an answer was given.  Daniel 9:23

When Daniel poured out his heart in prayer for Jerusalem, he received initial confirmation that God had heard his prayer.  The angel Gabriel came to him and told him that as soon as he had begun to pray, an answer was given.1

For those of us who participated Monday September 1 in 9 1 1:  An Urgent Call to Pray for Jerusalem, we concluded with an expectancy that God would confirm that He had also heard our heart’s cry on behalf of the city and the people that He loves.

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9 1 1: One Hour of Prayer

Aug 28, 2014

The end of all things is near.
Therefore be clear minded and
self-controlled so that you can pray. 1 Peter 4:7

Following dinner the night Jesus was betrayed, He took His disciples with Him to  Gethsemane and asked them to watch and pray.  When He checked on them, He found them sleeping. I can almost hear His voice choking with emotion as He said, Could you men not keep watch with Me for one hour? Because He knew the seriousness of the hour.  He knew His arrest, betrayal, trials, crucifixion, death and burial were imminent.  He knew His disciples needed to be pre-prayed.  Instead, they went back to sleep.  As a result they were totally unprepared for the events of the next three days.

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My Next Assignment

Aug 18, 2014

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…   Psalm 122:6

Just recently, God laid on my heart a burden to call His people to prayer for our nation. In obedience, I offered 7 7 7: An Urgent Call to Prayer for our Nation. 120,000 of you signed up to receive the prayers that God had given me, distributing them to thousands more, so that we prayed with one heart and one voice. I believe our prayers moved Heaven as evidenced by the double rainbow God stretched out over the nation’s capital on July 8th.

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One Way To Safety

Aug 14, 2014

Jesus answered, “I am the way…” John 14:6

On August 8, tens of thousands of people were trapped on Mt. Sinjar by Islamic State forces who surrounded the base.  The men, women, and children were cut off from food and water, with many dying and all being threatened by ISIS who issued the ultimatum that they convert to Islam, or die.  Pictures have been circulated on YouTube of babies being butchered, Christians being crucified, and men being beheaded by this demonically controlled group of vicious fighters.

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