
Latest from Anne


Fourth Message: Will There Be an End to the Chaos and Confusion?

Sep 23, 2014

Anne’s Messages to those Left Behind | Fourth Message: Will There Be an End to the Chaos and Confusion?

We have briefly considered the Mystery of the Trumpet Call, whether or not the world is falling apart, and the wonderful hope that should you be left behind, it’s not too late for you to turn to God and ask Him to save you. God’s judgment on this world will come to an end.  The final outcome will be glorious!

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Third Message: Is It Too Late To Be Saved?

Sep 22, 2014

Anne’s Messages to those Left Behind | Third Message: Is it Too Late To Be Saved?

In my last message, I described briefly how the rapture of believers and their sudden disappearance will impact the world. There will be unprecedented chaos and confusion.  But it’s not too late to turn to God.

Call on Him.  Cry out to Him.  Just say, “God. Help me! Save me!”  He is listening for your cry. It’s not too late for you to get right with God.  To be on God’s side. But you must intentionally, deliberately place your trust in Him.

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Second Message: Is the World Falling Apart?

Sep 21, 2014

In my previous message, I shared briefly with you about the Mystery of the Trumpet.  That moment in time when Jesus descends with a loud command, the shout of the archangel, and the trumpet call of God.  Then those who have placed their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord, whether dead or living, will be raised up in the air to meet Jesus and be with Him forever.

While we, His followers, are experiencing the joy of His visible presence, those who are left behind are going to be plunged into chaos and confusion.  Think about it with me for a moment in this second message.

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First Message: What is the Mystery of the Trumpet Call?

Sep 20, 2014


…This same Jesus, who has been
taken from you into heaven, will
come back in the same way you
have seen him go into heaven.  Acts 1:11

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Keep Praying For Jerusalem

Sep 16, 2014

From Claudia in Jerusalem (on Saturday October 4):

“Abba, Father, today for the Jews it is Yom Kippur. It is the Day of Atonement. The day set aside to “afflict the soul,” to atone for the sins of the past year.

Business is still in Israel. People are happily walking on the open streets to their synagogues. Many are dressed in white, which represents purity.  It is the custom for the emulation of ministering angels. This day, Father they are looking to repentance and forgiveness of sin, without knowing Your Son. The Son of the God of Israel, Yeshua, the Messiah.

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