
Latest from Anne


Prayer for Jerusalem

December 6, 2017

The Lord had said to Abram, …”I will bless those who bless you…”  Genesis 12:1, 3

[1]God of Abram, Isaac, and Jacob.  Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are the Eternal I AM.  The One who is age to age the same. There is no shadow of turning with You.  You are fully present in every generation—past, present, and future. You are the All-Mighty.  Your power has not been deleted or depleted over the millennia of human history. We know that You so loved the world that You gave us Heaven’s treasure when You sent Your only Son two thousand years ago to be born as a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.  When we join the shepherds and gaze into that manger bed, we find ourselves looking into the face of God. Thank you for the wonder of Christmas!

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Happy Birthday, Daddy!

November 7, 2017

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;  I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.…I will be with him…I will deliver him…I will honor him.  With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”  Psalm 91:14-16

Today, November 7, 2017, my father turns 99 years of age!  And thus he enters into his 100th year!  I think I can speak for my entire family when I say we are all amazed…and very thankful…that he is still with us. My mother moved to Heaven, the place Jesus called our Father’s House, ten years ago. And I, for one, never imagined Daddy would continue to live without her, much less outlive her for such a lengthy period of time. What a treasure it has been to have these last ten years to enjoy his presence that has always included his humor, his prayers, his insights, his stories, his encouragement, and his love.

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Why, God?

November 6, 2017 

I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. John 11:25

Like the rest of America, I am in total shock!  Grief!  Tears seem to come and go unexpectedly throughout the day.  A heart that doesn’t stop aching for the family members and friends of those massacred in the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs. When I awaken during the night, I’m aware that my spirit has been praying for them even as I sleep. During the day I find myself praying for them without ceasing.

Why?  Why, dear God, would You allow something so horrific to take place?  In a church?  So evil.  So senseless. So terrifying. Help me understand.

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Is God Speaking Through the Storms?

As Irma was hitting the Florida Keys, I received a request from to submit an article along the lines of what I would say to those after the storms passed. I agreed to do my best, but knew immediately that I didn’t want to write what I wanted to say, but what God wanted to say.  And so I began to earnestly seek Him. I knew I needed to be very careful not to put words in His mouth. Did He have something to say through the storms? The following is what came to me. It was posted on the homepage September 12.

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Learning To Forgive Myself

August 17, 2017

…Forgive as the Lord forgave you.   Colossians 3:13

Guilt is our friend. If you are like me, it’s a friend you don’t want showing up on your doorstep.  But, more than likely, without it you and I would go on in wrongdoing until becoming dominated and defeated by it.

Guilt is an alarm system that points us to our own misconduct. Yet instead of heeding the alarm, we ignore it, rationalize it, deny it, excuse it, drown or drug it. What we rarely do is to use our guilt for good, letting it redirect and thus transform us into better people. We tend to let it consume and destroy us. Much like drinking poison, guilt and the inability to forgive ourselves can slowly eat away at who we are, rob us of our inner peace, and ultimately shatter our spirits.

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