As 2023 begins, the news headlines remind us that we are living at a time of spiritual darkness and oppression. Traditional values of integrity, morality, and common decency have been discarded, while faith in the one, true, living God is derided and even despised. As a nation, when we desperately need stability and unity in the midst of a world that is careening out of control, we are left without a foundation.
As followers of Jesus, we are a remnant. A minority. But the Light in our lives shines even brighter in contrast to our surroundings. The following testimonies are shared to encourage you that God’s word is eternal. It’s true. It is still changing lives. It still satisfies the longing heart as nothing else can do. The testimonies give evidence that God’s word “works.” And surely they make God’s heart glad. I trust they will do the same for you…
I am in a widow’s group and we are going through your book Jesus in Me. It is helping all of us through this journey of loss by learning to depend on God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with the world. (Karen, Jesus in Me)
My precious son went to reside in my Father’s house almost 3 months ago. Your book has comforted me, educated me, and filled me with peace to know that my son is there walking with God. Your scripture-based description of Heaven soothed my heart to know that my son is living in a place so unimaginably beautiful with our Father, family and friends who are already there. This book is helping me to move forward in my grief and feeling of brokenness. (June, Heaven, My Father’s House)
Much to my shame I have come to learn that my heart has been jealous and envious for other things. It took me years to recognize and admit it. Your words are so spot on. I want nothing on this earth and nothing other than to please and honor our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ruth, Fruit in My Life, e-devotion)
I watched Rachel-Ruth’s Bible study and I met Jesus. My name is Sovika and I was raised a Hindu. I prayed to false gods, but Jesus was tugging at my heart. In watching your Bible study, I finally met Jesus and had a powerful encounter with Him in my search for love. He allowed me to see the greatest purpose for a woman is not marriage or having children but in giving glory to Him with one’s life. (Sovika, Rachel-Ruth’s Bible study)
It was such a blessing for me to learn more about this family and how they implemented Biblical truths in their everyday lives. The book challenged me to look at some areas of my life and figure out how I can better ignite faith in the next generation – I believe others will be challenged in the same way. (Jane, Jesus Followers)
I recently received the most unexpected phone call I could imagine. My brother-in-law called and said my 35-year-old niece had suddenly passed away. She was a beautiful woman. A mother of three young children, a daughter, granddaughter, and friend to so many. How? Why? As I drove to be with my sister, I turned on the radio and heard you speaking of our righteous God. This has stuck with me and helped me beyond words. I will never understand but will certainly remember God is righteous and I lean not on my own understanding, but trust in Him. (Sandra, Living in the Light)
Pursuing More of Jesus is blessing my heart and bringing me to tears for His faithfulness during the years I “pursued” my own way. I accepted Jesus at the age of 10 but was a prodigal for a while. I have missed years of enjoying His very presence…He’s been faithful! You have ministered to me. Jesus has spoken through you and your studies. (Cynthia, Pursuing More of Jesus)
Your words regarding prayer and especially God’s unconditional love for us brought tears to my eyes. It spoke to my heart and touched me at the core. Your prayer team is to be commended because their prayers through this broadcast were answered. (Ken, Daily Light for Daily Living)
I am thankful for your bold stand for the Gospel. Your letter convicted me to look at my own life. It caused me to check if I am faithfully living out God’s calling in my life. (Holly, God Loves the World blog)
What is your testimony? What impact has God’s word made in your life, or that of your family and friends? Instead of focusing on the headlines of the day, join me in rejoicing with Heaven in the Good News that God’s word goes forth from His mouth; it does not return to Him void, but will accomplish what He pleases, and it will prosper in the thing for which He sends it. (Isaiah 55:11) As we begin the New Year, make sure the foundation of your life is strong and healthy. Recommit yourself to read, study, apply, and obey God’s word. Then share it with others as you fight the darkness by turning on the Light.
For His Glory,
Living in an increasing spiritually dark world, write out in your own words the encouragement you receive from the following verses regarding…
God’s Word
Psalm 119:50; 89-90;105; 130; 165
The Western Triangle Fellowship of Christian Athletes held their first ever fundraising banquet just before Thanksgiving. At the invitation of my nephew by marriage, Jake McDowell (pictured above right of the leadership team), I was privileged to share to a packed, standing-room only crowd the Hope Jesus gives in a troubled world.
Betty Lineberger and I became forever friends as our husbands worked together for over forty years in their dental practice. She babysat my son, Jonathan, on countless occasions, teaching him to play golf. As you can see, he adores her. Now in her mid-nineties, she organized and hosted a Christmas gathering at her senior-care facility and invited me to speak. I shared my testimony, telling them God’s antidote for loneliness is the divine companionship of the Holy Spirit I know.
My annual seminar at The Cove is always a highlight for me. The weekend was greatly enriched by the ministry of the Grammy Award-winning worship leader and song writer, Matt Redman. He is well known for two of his praise songs, 10,000 Reasons and Blessed Be the Name. He is a humble, authentic Jesus follower, and was a source of rich blessing as he led us into God’s presence.
Are you tired of reading about what God is saying to everyone else and wondering what it might be like to hear God speaking to you…personally? Are you skeptical how the ancient texts of the Old and New Testaments could possibly apply to the issues relevant to your life in the 21st century? Are you afraid of digging deeper into Bible study because you think you won’t understand it? Then, these 52 weekly devotional Bible studies from Anne are for you.
Into the Word is a spiritual study guide that leads you straight to the heart of God’s word. In a refreshing departure from other Bible studies, Anne doesn’t explain what the passages of Scripture mean to her or offer support on what she feels God is trying to say through it. Rather, she makes a modern day reflection that is a relevant springboard into the various passages, and then asks dozens of questions, prompting you to personally dig into Scripture and discover God’s specific message for yourself!
God’s word is personal, powerful, and relevant. This study emphasizes application with the aim to help you love Him more. You are invited…Into the Word.
If you would like to receive AnGeL Ministries’ full newsletter by email or postal delivery, click here to sign up for our free resources!
As we look to Thanksgiving and Christmas, many of us will be with extended family. But those times can also carry undercurrents, can’t they? Because families can have a down side. If there are those in your family who are not Jesus followers, or are deemed not “qualified” to be Jesus followers, consider those in His extended human family. Some of the most poignant examples of God’s love, mercy, and grace are stories highlighted by names of women that appear in the genealogy that begins Matthew’s Gospel—a list of names that make up His Family Tree.
As you celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas, remember His Family Tree. If God could transform the human family of His Son into a testimony of His amazing grace, why do you think He can’t do the same for you and your family?
This Bible study was prepared especially for the Fall 2022 Newsletter.
I can almost hear the echo of the battering ram that is destroying America’s foundation of faith as I read the following statement by the president of Barna research…. “With each passing year, the percent of Americans who believe that the Bible is ‘just another book written by men’ increases. So too do the perceptions that the Bible is actually harmful and that people who live by its principles are religious extremists.”1 We see evidence of it in the soaring rate of violent crime; in the toxic public discourse; in truth that is spun as lies and lies that are spun as truth; in the sharp decline in church attendance; in the breakdown of trust in our national institutions and government leaders; in the homelessness and hopelessness of thousands living on the streets in our major cities; in the rising suicide rate among our young people until it’s the 2nd leading cause of death; in the plague of fentanyl and other illicit drugs…and the list goes on and on.
What can you and I do? We are in an epic spiritual battle! Therefore, our weapons are not worldly, they are spiritual …weapons of prayer and God’s Word.2 So first and foremost, we need to pray for the next generation. Pray against the unseen spirits that are trying to hijack the faith of those who come after us. Then we need to be intentional as we seek to pass on the Truth by our example and our words. To this end, my daughter, Rachel-Ruth, and I wrote Jesus Followers: Real Life Stories to Ignite Faith in the Next Generation. While the subject is extremely serious at this critical time in our national life, we have written this book as a combination of Biblical exposition and personal stories. You will find it very easy to read as it will make you laugh and cry while sharing practical wisdom that will also challenge and encourage you.
When the publisher approached me about producing a video-driven Bible Study based on the book, I was thrilled. As a result, the video crew assembled the week before Easter at my father’s house nestled in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Spring had not yet come which seemed to emphasize the emptiness and lifelessness of the house. But I believe the message is powerful. What my father left behind was not a beautiful home filled with treasured possessions. What he left behind was a legacy of faith…specifically a legacy of the Gospel…a legacy that lasts.
Perhaps the video session that blessed me the most was the Bible Study workshop that I led with three generations of my family discussing the Scriptures together. It surely was a tribute to my mother and father’s legacy of faith that they successfully passed down to me, my children, and my grandchildren.
So as you view the videos and travel through my father’s house, I pray you will not only be thoroughly blessed by the context I give for each message Rachel-Ruth shares, but that you also will be recommitted to being a Jesus Follower yourself, then pass the Truth on to the next generation. This Christmas, strengthen the foundation on which you are building your life so that you leave a legacy that lasts.
Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands. Deuteronomy 7:9
For His Glory,
When I was in elementary school, each Christmas my mom would come in to share the gospel through the Christmas story. I attended a public school that did not look favorably on the Bible or any type of Christian teaching. To share the Christmas story openly without using a Bible, my mom had to be creative. She had the clever idea of using the encyclopedia. As she sat surrounded by my classmates, teachers congregated in the doorway and the principal made a show of being present. But no one could argue with what the encyclopedia said about Bethlehem, the angels, baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
While writing this, I took a moment to look up the words Jesus, Mary, Joseph, angel, cross, forgiveness, resurrection, heaven, eternity, and peace in the dictionary. And do you know what? The same thing is true! The explanations are right there. You can share the gospel from the dictionary! Try it the next time you feel led to share the gospel and someone tells you not to read the Bible in a public setting. Just thinking about it makes me smile.
This Christmas give The King something I know He wants for His birthday. Share the Gospel with someone else.
2 2 Corinthians 10:3-4; Ephesians 6:17-18
As we look to Thanksgiving and Christmas, many of us will be with extended family. But those times can also carry undercurrents, can’t they? Because families can have a down side. If there are those in your family who are not Jesus followers, or are deemed not “qualified” to be Jesus followers, consider those in His extended human family. Some of the most poignant examples of God’s love, mercy, and grace are stories highlighted by names of women that appear in the genealogy that begins Matthew’s Gospel—a list of names that make up His Family Tree.
Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.
On August 20th I was given the privilege of speaking to a group of people who had gathered on our state’s capitol grounds in order to seek God’s blessing on our city, state, and nation. I then led them in prayer, by faith believing that our God is a prayer-hearing, prayer-answering, miracle-working God. The group was also led in prayer by Pastor John Amanchukwu who brought a sizeable contingent of his delightful and dedicated church members.
Tony Perkins is the President of the Family Research Council, as well as a dear friend, who is on the front lines in the battle for Truth. His recent summit was held in the beautiful sanctuary of the First Baptist Church in Atlanta. He gave me the privilege of challenging those gathered to look up and ask God to give us a fresh vision of Jesus. I am more convinced than ever that Jesus is The Answer to our national crisis.
I was privileged to speak to the Executive Directors and their spouses at the Adult and Teen Challenge Retreat held at the Cove, followed by a Q & A with questions from the audience. The President and CEO, Gary Blackard, invited those gathered to pray over me and my daughter, Morrow. We were thoroughly blessed!
Who has impressed you with his or her confidence in God?
What a blessing to have parents and grandparents with confident faith. What a blessing to be a parent or grandparent, an aunt or an uncle, a friend or a neighbor, who has confident faith!
What will people think of you when you’re gone? What will your grandchildren know about you? Perhaps you see shadows of this ancient generation in your own family tree as you consider those who chose faith and those who did not. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you are remembered throughout generations to come as one whose life bore unmistakable witness to your faith in God? The choice is yours.
The Jesus Followers Bible Study has been written to encourage and challenge you to think through the legacy you are building. We pray you will be blessed. Then share the Bible Study with someone else this Christmas.
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Since January 1st, our family has been caught up in a whirlpool of suffering on many levels. Our beloved pastor and dear friend, Ray Bentley, suddenly and unexpectedly went to be with Jesus on the 4th. The shock and suddenness seemed to make our grief more intense. Four days later Rachel-Ruth was admitted to the hospital with her first of two SCAD heart attacks. On Easter Sunday she was back in ICU where she was additionally diagnosed with pericarditis. My son has been told his lungs may never improve beyond the 64% capacity they now have. And while arthritis is progressing in my hips and back, I had a bad fall when walking the dog that resulted in a cracked rib and other injuries.
All of this makes me wonder two things: Is my family…and am I…under an assigned assault from our spiritual enemy? And are you also under attack? Disease, death, danger, disasters and the darkness of corruption and chaos, disruption and division, stress and suicide, wars and rumors of wars, are all markers, I believe, to indicate we are living at the end of human history as we know it. The enemy knows his time is running out, and he is waging all-out war on God’s people. The battles are intense, frequent, and to be honest, they can be discouraging. They seem to drain our reserves of strength and energy.
So…what would the Lord say to you and me at such a time as this? 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17 has come to mind. King Jehoshaphat faced a vast enemy army that was poised to attack. God instructed him: Do not be afraid or discouraged…for the battle is not yours, but God’s…Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you. Early the next morning Jehoshaphat challenged the people to stay focused in their faith on God. He then appointed a choir to sing and praise the Lord as they went out before the army to confront the enemy. The result? The enemy was defeated!
As I go out to battle against the unseen enemy, I am learning the power of praise. Because the name of Jesus is one of our most effective spiritual weapons,1 I have alphabetized a list of His names that I say out loud when I can’t fall asleep, when I awake during the night, or when I am aware again that I am under specific attack. I can testify that although my circumstances may not change, my attitude and perspective do. I am strengthened in my spirit and receive peace that quiets my heart. I would like to share my list with you.2 Keep in mind, of course, there can be more names for each letter than just the ones I have listed, but this should help you start your own list:
Next time you feel you can’t take one more sleepless night, one more disappointment, one more painful procedure, one more slanderous lie, one more hurtful rejection, one more_________ (you fill in the blank), lift high the banner of His name. There is power in praise!
For His Glory,
1 Psalm 60:4; Isaiah 11:10; Proverbs 18:10
2When I couldn’t think of a specific name for a certain letter, I have used an adjective. Which is another suggestion for you. Make an alphabetical list of adjectives for Jesus.
Read 2 Chronicles 19:1-2, 4 and 20:1-30
Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.
It was a privilege for me to share a message of encouragement to several hundred pastors and church leaders who gathered for a Refuel Conference, then engage in a Q & A with Jonathan Falwell. I continue to pray they will rely on the Holy Spirit as they present the truth of God’s Word with boldness.
I have been honored to be with North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor, Mark Robinson, on two different occasions in the past few months. Each time, his remarks were riveting. He unashamedly identifies himself as a Jesus follower. His opening remarks each time were the same: I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In light of the recent SCOTUS decision overturning Roe vs. Wade, his personal testimony concerning abortion is powerful. Click here to watch.
Getting up early in the morning to fix your eyes on Jesus through prayer and reading His Word is like setting your spiritual compass. Because no matter what faces you during the day, or how “lost” and confused you can become…He invariably leads you on the right path. Our prayer is that the devotions in this updated deluxe edition will help you fix your eyes on Jesus every day, so that you, too, can set your spiritual compass. Click here to learn more about Fixing My Eyes of Jesus.
Each dated devotional in The Joy of My Heart includes a Scripture verse and reflections from Anne on topics such as eternity, grief, and faith. With a gift presentation page and a ribbon marker, The Joy of My Heart is a beautiful gift for anyone looking for a concise collection of daily devotions. You will enjoy this newest release, as will those looking for a way to add variety and consistency to their daily devotional time. Anne’s depth of thought makes this a welcomed gift for pastors and church leaders, while her accessible tone makes The Joy of My Heart appropriate for any layperson seeking scriptural truth. Click here to order The Joy of My Heart.
In this volume, Anne shares her heart and God’s teachings on the universal problem of suffering, using the familiar story of Lazarus. This small book presents a simple, powerful message that is sure to bring comfort and new meaning to all who are suffering themselves or know others who need a special touch from God. It will help you understand and deal with suffering by leading you to the One Who knows your needs, shares your grief, sheds your tears and promises glory to come! Based on John 11. Foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada. Click here to order Why? Trusting God When You Don’t Understand.
If you would like to receive AnGeL Ministries’ full newsletter by email or postal delivery, click here to sign up for our free resources!
Read 2 Chronicles 19:1-2, 4 and 20:1-30
I praise the Lord for who He is_________
I praise the Lord for what He has done__________
I praise the Lord for what He will do__________
This Bible study was prepared especially for the Summer 2022 Newsletter.