August 25, 2015
Less than one week ago, on August 19th, I said good-bye to my husband of almost forty-nine years. At that moment, the only thing that truly mattered was the decision he made as a five year old boy in vacation Bible school to trust Jesus as his Savior. As a result, he knew for the rest of his life that his sins were forgiven, he possessed eternal life, and he had peace with God. What a gift his faith was, and continues to be, to his family and friends. We know our good-byes were not final. We grieve, but with hope. We know we will see Danny Lotz again in Our Father’s House not because of anything that he has done, but because of God’s amazing grace extended to him at the Cross.
September 12, 2015
(To watch on YouTube, click here.)
August 19, 2015
Danny Lotz was a chief among The King’s … mighty warriors. He gave His Kingship strong support to extend it over the whole land. 1 Chronicles 11:10
August 17, 2015
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105
Every year when my family is at the beach, we observe the marked off areas that help protect the nests of sea turtles. The huge reptiles clamber up on the shore beginning in May, lay 50 to 100 eggs in the sand, then lumber back into the sea. Within 60 days, the little turtles hatch sometime during the night and make a mad dash for the water. They have the daunting task of making it past crabs, sharks, and other hungry predators. It’s estimated that only one in 1000 survive to maturity.
While I have seen the tank-like tracks on the sand that the huge turtles leave, I’ve never seen the hatchlings themselves.
August 12, 2015
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’…your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Matthew 6:31-32
Danny and I have gone to the beach each summer for 48 years in a row. We love the beach, as do our children, and now our grandchildren. As I have shared with you previously, one of the things I enjoy the most is walking the beach early in the morning, and watching the sunrise over the ocean. I love the sounds of the waves crashing and the sea gulls crying, the feel of the breeze in my face, the smell of the salt air. And I love the first glimpse of the sun’s rays coming up over the broad expanse of blue grey that is the Atlantic Ocean. From time to time, I have found a special shell: a sea urchin, a sand dollar, a conch. But this year I found something different…