Posts written by Hope Reed


What Do You Believe?

Nov 5, 2018

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To Bear Much Fruit

October 26, 2018

The following audio devotional was given by Anne to her ministry family following her cancer surgery and one week before her first chemo infusion.

My aim in ministry is not ministry – my aim is to bring God glory and to bear much fruit.  John 15: 8 says, This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples. So, if my purpose is to glorify God, then I can do that if I’m traveling. I can do that if I’m on a platform. I can do that if I’m on a pulpit. I can do that if I’m doing an interview. I can do that if I’m on a chemo bed. My purpose is to bring Him glory; but in order to bear much fruit and to bring Him even more glory, it requires several things…[Listen]


 To listen to Anne’s full devotional – click HERE.




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No Fear of Death

October 16, 2018

Since the children have flesh and blood, he (Jesus) too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Hebrews 2:14-15

My cancer journey continues as I begin chemotherapy this week. My heart aches for the multitude of people who have also dealt with this deadly disease. Yet I am praising God for His keeping power and for your prayers that I know are sustaining me in a constant state of peace, joy, and expectancy of blessings along the way.

I have been told that my prognosis is excellent. But to be honest, even if it wasn’t, I can truthfully say I have no fear of death. None at all. My perspective is the same as the apostle Paul when he declared, For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21) As my brother-in-law, Dr. Denton Lotz, stated when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the same time I was diagnosed with breast cancer, we are in a win-win situation.

Facing death without fear was eloquently expressed by Jac, the grandson of my husband’s brother, John Lotz.  Jac’s mother knew he had been assigned by his teacher a written report on the person who had greatly impacted his spiritual life, but she didn’t know what he had written. After he left for school, she found the following on his computer. She then forwarded it to me. It was such a blessing, I asked Jac if I could share it with you, too, and he agreed.

Denton, Jac and I are looking up!






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October 3, 2018

Wherein I suffer trouble… even unto bonds (such as chemo infusions that will keep me tethered); but the word of God is not bound.  2 Timothy 2:9 KJV

While I’ve been sidelined from my speaking schedule and will be bound for months to come due to chemo treatments and radiation, praise God! His Word is unbound! One of my prayers is that the ministry to which God has called me would continue uninterrupted through every means possible except my travel and personal appearances. Almost before I had finished praying, God sent me evidence of one answer through the picture sent to me by my beloved friends, Carey and Melanie Casey. They were visiting Mid America Seminary in Memphis, TN, and saw this poster! Wow! Thank you, dear Jesus, for answered prayer! Thank you, Rich Bott and the Bott Radio Network, for your commitment to our two radio programs: the daily broadcast Daily Light for Daily Living, and our weekly broadcast Living in the Light. And thank you, dear Melanie and Carey, for your thoughtfulness to share the picture.

Please join with me in prayer for God to breathe His life into all** of our audios, videos, books, Bible studies, and radio broadcasts so that in these last moments of the last days, He will use us to draw people into His Word that they might know Him better. Below is a testimony sent by email that we just received that underscores evidence of one answer to this prayer, which again, came almost before I’d finished praying! To God be the glory!





I had never read a book of Anne’s or even listened to a message by her until the day of her father’s funeral. When she spoke I immediately felt a connection, a strong connection. (Weird I know) I didn’t have a great spiritual upbringing but have learned to put my name in the Bible to make it personal, I stop and ponder what Jesus is trying to tell me. It was crazy that she studies like I do. All this time I thought I was weird or crazy because no one else studied like me. Anyway, I also related to her declaration to her father; I will preach the Gospel, I will serve in a way that 5 minutes before I appear before the Lord I’ll had no regrets. All of that led me to her book Just Give Me Jesus and began a small group study at my church. We are LOVING it. So many people had ask me how do I study the Bible and get so much out of it and then came Just Give Me Jesus. It was perfect! God has already worked within our group; one of the ladies stepped out of her comfort zone and led in worship last Wednesday night while the pastor was away doing a revival. What a blessing it is to teach, lead, serve and grow with other women. — R.K.


**Visit here to view all [free] resources available on Anne’s website



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What Cancer Can Do

September 27, 2018

I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener…Every branch that does bear fruit he trims clean so that it will be even more fruitful.  John 15:1-2

Yesterday I had my one-week check-up after breast cancer surgery. While there are some issues to be expected, the doctor believes that all seem to be healing nicely, for which I praise God. The surgeon then revealed, with compassion in her eyes, that she had the pathology report. As she went over the numbers, it became evident that the results were not what I had prayed they would be.  A trace of cancer was found in the lymph nodes which alters the follow-up treatment significantly. So beginning October 18th I will begin eighteen weeks of chemotherapy, with additional treatments stretching out over the next twelve months.  The adventurous journey through the valley of the shadow will be longer than anticipated. BUT I am still confident the Shepherd will walk with me each step of the way until He sees me safely through!

The hardest thing facing me is the need to clear my schedule. By necessity, I will have to cancel commitments throughout the next year in order to take the cancer treatments. As I looked ahead at the calendar, I could almost audibly hear the “click” of the Divine pruning shears.

I’m confident that the Gardener knows exactly what He’s doing. I’m more expectant than ever of bearing much eternal fruit. For His glory.

Thank you for your prayers and your concern! So many of you have sent cards, gifts, pillows, emails, texts, and testimonies of your own experience. I have been blessed by every single one!

There is one devotional thought that has been sent to me by quite a few of you. It is entitled, What Cancer Can’t Do.  It then lists about a dozen things.  It’s a great list, and I was encouraged when I read it. But I wanted to turn it around. Although I’ve only known about my cancer for a little over a month and so in no way qualify as an expert. I have experienced some things already, and I’m expecting to experience even more things, that cancer can do. I want to share them with you. Feel free to add to the list.

Cancer Can…

…enrich love

…refocus hope

…strengthen faith

…deepen prayer

…command peace

…bolster confidence

…increase endurance

…multiply friendships

…enhance memories

…open doors

…realign priorities

…grow courage

…create empathy

…tenderize compassion

…develop character

Cancer can be a blessing in disguise.

Cancer can be the preliminary to bearing much eternal fruit.

Cancer can be a display case for God’s glory.


Please continue to pray for my healing, and that I will not miss what cancer can do for me.



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