
What an amazing blessing your lecture on heaven and hell was to me. First, it really was so encouraging. I have many ugly brown scars, but what a beautiful hope that God turns them into a masterpiece. Secondly, I was so convicted of my lack of personally sharing the gospel with others. I have failed miserably in the arena of sharing the gospel and giving everyone I meet the invitation to my Father’s House. Thank you, Anne, for your heart and your passion. – Lisa (BSF Institute) 

Anne’s article in the June 2015 issue of “Decision” magazine is very timely, excellent, and very much appreciated. – Gail (Decision magazine) 

I read this book in one sitting. Couldn’t put it down. My son died two years ago and then my ex-husband died this year. I have had deep hurt and resentment and felt that God asked my son to do too much and it killed him. This is the first book that I’ve read that answered, “Why, Lord, Why?” I thank you. – Mary (Why?) 

I am 68 this year and feel like I am starting over with God. I know that’s not true, for it has been a journey… but we all need revival, no matter where we are on the adventure, because the enemy wants to keep us from finishing strong. I am thanking Him for Anne’s ministry…so restoring! – Shirley (Gratitude for the Ministry) 

All of our crew is raving about the heartfelt approach she took in giving our audience her personal story!  It will have changed many lives for sure.  Above all, we were touched by her message.  – Rocky Veach, (Radio Interview) 

I especially was touched by your study, “Praying for the Enemy”. I admit I was struggling with this study a bit, in understanding how to pray for the enemy. During the time I was doing this study, I read the blog about how we need to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who are being persecuted and killed all over the world. I was so convicted, I cried out to God to show me how to pray. It was such an amazing moment; I am still in awe. I just wanted to let you know how God used your study to open the eyes and give a small amount of wisdom to a woman in a small town when she cried out for answers. My husband and I have just been asked to be prayer pastors for our church and our first devotional will be this very topic, praying for brothers and sisters in Christ and praying for the enemy who persecutes them. – Paula (April Decision Bible study) 

For fifteen years my wife and I have leaned on God’s Word each day through the book “The Daily Light.”  We call it the “Purple Book” because of the beautiful purple leather case. Your book has brought us much wisdom in times of crises and uncertainty. The Scriptures we read each day, coincide precisely with the joy we share or the trials we have and still suffer. – Joseph (Daily Light)

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